Bloomington is a city located near in Minnesota, United States, mainly located on the north bank of the Minnesota River. Minnesota’s Solid Waste Management Department provides trash collection services in the City of Bloomington. They offer weekly and biweekly trash collection services, as well as bulk and yard collection. All these efforts are dedicated to ensuring cleanliness in the city. However, residents are also responsible for keeping the environment of Bloomington clean and healthy by following sanitation rules for proper trash disposal.

Find Bloomington Trash Schedule
If you are unsure about your Bloomington Trash Schedule and recycling collection day, click the link below. A city map will be displayed with different colors, each representing specific days for garbage and recycling collection services. Identify your location on the map to determine your collection day. Then, place your carts at the curb by 7 AM on your designated day to ensure collection.
Garbage Collection
According to the rules of Bloomington, your garbage cart will be serviced once a week. Prepare your cart properly and place it curbside by 7 AM on your collection day. It is recommended to place your trash into plastic bags before putting it into the cart to reduce litter. If your garbage contains cold ashes or pet waste, try to double-wrap it.
All garbage bags must fit into your garbage cart. Place only a closed-lid cart at the curbside because if your trash is coming out of the cart, it will not be collected. If you have extra trash that cannot fit into the garbage cart, place it next to your cart, but a fee will be charged accordingly for the extra garbage. Once your trash has been collected, roll your cart back as soon as possible.
Recycling Collections
Recycling carts will be serviced once every two weeks. Place your recycling cart at the curbside by 7 AM on the same day as your residential garbage collection. Do not bag your recycling trash, as plastic bags are not recyclable and slow down the recycling process. It is recommended to place only loose recycling trash in your cart. If the collection crew finds any irrelevant material in the recycling cart, they will leave the container uncollected.
Acceptable recycling materials include plastic bottles and containers, mixed paper, flattened cardboard, glass bottles and jars, metal cans, aluminum cans, food and beverage containers, milk cartons, juice boxes, and soup, broth, and wine cartons. Do not crush plastic bottles or jars; place them in their original form in the recycling cart.
Place only dry, empty, and clean items in the recycling cart. Do not add any irrelevant materials to the recycling cart, or it will not be serviced. Keep caps on plastic bottles and containers. If you have a lot of recycling trash, place it next to your recycling cart. Extra recycling trash should not exceed 40 pounds in weight.
Bulk Item Collections
Bulk trash includes items that cannot fit into a normal garbage cart. The City of Bloomington provides curbside bulk trash collection once a month. Bloomington has an agreement with Better Future Minnesota to provide free curbside bulk collection services to residents.
Acceptable bulk waste includes broken furniture, mattresses, and home appliances. Residents are allowed to place two large items or one large item and two medium bags. Do not exceed this limit, or you will be charged an extra fee. Do not place construction debris or irrelevant material into your bulk pile, as it will not be collected.
Yard Collections
Yard collection services are available on a subscription basis. Residents must sign up for yard collection services through the link provided below. Acceptable yard trash includes garden waste, grass clippings, weeds, soft garden materials, shrubs, tree waste, and prunings. Do not add any irrelevant material to your yard trash pile.
Sign Up for Yard Waste Collection
Prepare your yard trash properly before placing it at the curb. For example, place tree leaves in compostable bags. Additionally, cut all tree branches and shrubs into lengths of 3 feet and tie them into bundles. Place these bundles curbside for collection.
Bloomington Trash Holidays Schedule
There are several holidays that Bloomington observes annually, and these may affect your trash and recycling collection day. Aside from these holidays, trash collection services will run smoothly throughout the year. If these holidays fall on a Monday, your normal trash collection will be delayed by one day. For example, if a holiday falls on Monday, your trash will be collected on Tuesday. This delay will continue throughout the week. Follow the schedule below to place your cart at the curbside and ensure holiday trash collection.
Holidays | Date and Day | Change in Garbage and Recycling Collection Schedule |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2025, Wednesday | No trash collection on Wednesday. Your trash will be collected on January 2, 2025, Thursday. |
Memorial Day | May 26, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Your trash will be collected on May 27, 2025, Tuesday. |
Independence Day | July 4, 2025, Friday | No trash collection on Friday. Your trash will be collected on July 5, 2025, Saturday. |
Labor Day | September 1, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Your trash will be collected on September 2, 2025, Tuesday. |
Thanksgiving Day | November 27, 2025, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Your trash will be collected on November 28, 2025, Friday. |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2025, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Your trash will be collected on December 26, 2025, Friday. |