Broken Arrow is a city located in Tulsa and Wagoner counties in Oklahoma. The zip codes for the city are 74011, 74012, and 74013. The Solid Waste and Recycling Department provides all trash-related services to residents, including regular garbage, recycling, and solid waste collection services. These services are organized based on the residents’ location. The department is dedicated to keeping the city environment clean and healthy. However, they need residents’ cooperation to perform their duties effectively. Residents are required to follow all trash rules when disposing of their trash daily.

Broken Arrow Trash Schedule
If you are unsure about your trash collection service day, click the link below. This link provides a city map labeled with days of the week from Monday to Friday. Simply identify your area to determine your trash collection day. Prepare your trash properly to ensure collection on the scheduled day.
According to the laws of Broken Arrow, regular garbage collection services are provided once a week to residents. It is required that residents place their regular garbage carts at the curbside by 6 AM on their scheduled collection day. Do not be late, or your trash cart may be missed during collection. Only use a closed-lidded cart.
To reduce litter and spillage, place all trash materials in plastic bags before putting them in the trash carts. Avoid overfilling the cart, as trash spilling out of the cart will not be collected. Residents must follow certain rules and regulations related to trash collection.
For example, place your trash carts in obstacle-free locations with a clearance of 4 feet on both sides. Avoid placing carts on sidewalks to allow easy access for individuals in wheelchairs and parents with strollers. Position your cart so that its lid faces the front of the street, and collect your cart as soon as possible once it has been emptied.
Broken Arrow Recycling Schedule
Recycling services are provided once a week to residents of Broken Arrow. Check your recycling collection schedule via the link above and place your cart at the curbside by 6 AM on your scheduled day. Your cart will be serviced from 6 AM to 8 PM, so do not be late, and collect your cart as soon as possible after 8 PM.
Do not bag your trash before placing it in the recycling cart; place all materials loosely instead. Plastic bags are prohibited in recycling, as they disrupt the recycling process. Residents should place only acceptable materials in recycling carts; if any prohibited materials are found, the cart may be left uncollected, resulting in missed collections.
Acceptable recycling materials in Broken Arrow include aluminum cans, tin cans, plastic bottles, plastic containers, all types of plastic numbered 1 to 7, glass, paper, mixed paper, food boxes, and cardboard. Flatten cardboard, and if it does not fit in your recycling cart, place it next to the cart in a dry location. Only clean and empty items should be placed in the recycling cart, and ensure the lid is closed when you set it out.
Broken Arrow Bulk Pickup Schedule
Bulk trash includes items that cannot fit in normal trash carts due to their size. Residents of Broken Arrow can schedule bulk trash pickup services on an appointment basis, which should be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. To arrange a bulk pickup, call 918-259-6570.
If your bulk trash includes a refrigerator, you will need to show a refrigerator removal verification form. The rate for bulk collection services depends on the size and volume of the materials, and you can check the bulk trash rate list. Bulk trash is collected with an automated truck, so place all items in a visible location for easy collection.
Broken Arrow Holidays Trash Schedule
Certain holidays affect normal trash collection services in Broken Arrow, causing a one-day delay in collection. For example, if a holiday falls on Monday, trash will be collected on Tuesday. This delay continues throughout the week. Residents should follow the schedule below to ensure timely holiday collection.
When (Date & Day) | Change in Trash Collection Schedule Due to Holidays |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2025, Wednesday |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day | January 20, 2025, Monday |
Presidents’ Day | February 17, 2025, Monday |
Good Friday | April 18, 2025, Friday |
Memorial Day | May 26, 2025, Monday |
Independence Day | July 4, 2025, Friday |
Labor Day | September 1, 2025, Monday |
Veterans Day | November 11, 2025, Tuesday |
Thanksgiving Day | November 27, 2025, Thursday |
Christmas Eve | December 24, 2025, Wednesday |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2025, Thursday |