Atlanta is the capital of the U.S. state of Georgia, and its postal code is 30033. The City of Atlanta’s Department of Public Works (DPW) Office of Solid Waste Services provides all trash collection services as part of the City of Atlanta trash schedule. Their efforts aim to ensure cleanliness and reduce waste throughout the city. Trash collection services are based on residents’ locations, and the Department of Public Works seeks residents’ assistance to improve efficiency and ensure effective waste management. It is the residents’ responsibility to follow all rules and regulations related to trash collection services provided by the department in the City of Atlanta trash schedule.

Trash and Recycling Schedule
If you are unsure about your City of Atlanta trash schedule and need to check it, simply click the link below. You’ll find a search bar where you can enter your complete address and hit enter to get your trash and recycling collection day. Ensure you prepare your trash properly and place it at the curb to guarantee collection.
Trash Collection Guidelines
Please use a city-issued container to dispose of all household garbage. According to Atlanta City regulations, ensure your garbage cart is placed curbside by 7 AM on your scheduled collection day. To minimize spillage, it’s recommended to first place all your trash into plastic bags and then put those bags into your garbage cart. This helps the collection crew easily gather your trash on the designated day.
Additionally, the weight of the cart should not exceed 100 lbs. Place your cart at the curbside in front of your property, with the lid facing the street. Only closed-lid carts should be placed curbside. If trash bags are overflowing, it may result in missed collection. Follow these guidelines to ensure smooth service in accordance with the City of Atlanta trash schedule.
Atlanta Recycling Schedule
Recycling will be collected on the same day as your regular garbage, as per the City of Atlanta trash schedule. Place all recyclable materials curbside by 7 AM. Acceptable recycling materials include mixed paper, newspapers, mail, office papers, plastic bottles, plastic containers, aluminum cans, tin boxes, flattened cardboard, and food boxes. If your recycling includes glass, ensure the glass is intact; broken glass may harm the collection crew.
Place only unbagged materials into your recycling cart. Keep sidewalks clear when placing carts curbside, and ensure only clean, empty, and dry items are placed in the recycling cart to avoid spills. Do not place irrelevant materials in the cart, as this can lead to missed collections and inconvenience for residents following the City of Atlanta trash schedule.
Bulk Waste Collections
The City of Atlanta provides curbside bulk collection services on the same day as regular garbage collections, as part of the City of Atlanta trash schedule. Bulk trash includes oversized items that do not fit into regular trash carts and require special handling. To schedule bulk collection, call 311 to get information or place bulk items next to your regular garbage for collection.
Missed Garbage Collections
If your trash is missed during collection, report the issue as soon as possible. Click the link below to access the ATL311 website. You’ll need to create an account, and once logged in, you can report any problems with your trash collection services.
Household Hazardous Waste Collections
Household hazardous waste includes materials such as pool chemicals, paint, and house cleaners. These items are not collected curbside in Atlanta, so residents must bring hazardous waste to recycling centers. It is important to dispose of hazardous materials safely and according to the City of Atlanta trash schedule.
Holidays Collection Schedule
Certain holidays will affect the normal trash collection schedule in the City of Atlanta. During these holidays, trash collection will be delayed by one day. For example, if a holiday falls on Monday, Monday’s trash will be collected on Tuesday. The delay will continue for the rest of the week. Follow the schedule below to ensure holiday collections in accordance with the City of Atlanta trash schedule.
Holidays | Date & Day | Change in Collection Schedule Due to Holidays |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2025, Wednesday | No trash collection on Wednesday. Collection will be delayed to January 2, 2025, Thursday. |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day | January 20, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed to January 21, 2025, Tuesday. |
Presidents’ Day | February 17, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed to February 18, 2025, Tuesday. |
Memorial Day | May 26, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed to May 27, 2025, Tuesday. |
Juneteenth Day | June 19, 2025, Thursday | No change in the trash collection schedule. |
Independence Day | July 4, 2025, Friday | No trash collection on Friday. Collection will be delayed to July 5, 2025, Saturday. |
Labor Day | September 1, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed to September 2, 2025, Tuesday. |
Indigenous Peoples’ Day | October 13, 2025, Monday | No change in the trash collection schedule. |
Veterans Day | November 11, 2025, Tuesday | No change in the trash collection schedule. |
Thanksgiving Day | November 27, 2025, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Collection will be delayed to November 28, 2025, Friday. |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2025, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Collection will be delayed to December 26, 2025, Friday. |