Clermont is a city located in Lake County in central Florida, United States. The zip code of Clermont, FL is 34711. The City of Clermont sanitation department provides all trash removal services to residents as part of the Clermont trash pickup schedule. The department’s goal is to maintain public health and a clean environment. Cooperation from residents is essential for proper waste sorting, compliance with disposal regulations, and reducing contamination. Working together fosters community responsibility and improves overall waste management according to the Clermont trash pickup schedule.

Clermont Trash Pickup Schedule

Household Waste Collection

Use a Clermont FL-issued cart for all household trash. According to city rules, place your household trash cart curbside by 7 AM on your collection day. Make sure the cart is positioned with the lid facing the street so the automatic collection truck can easily collect it. Click the link below to find your Clermont trash pickup schedule:

Before placing your household trash in the cart, put the trash into plastic bags to reduce litter. Only place closed-lid carts curbside. If your cart has an open lid with trash bags spilling out, the City of Clermont sanitation department will not collect it. Maintain a 3-foot distance from other carts and obstacles. Your cart must also have handles so hydraulic arms can easily lift it.

Do not place your household waste cart on the sidewalk. Ensure the area is obstacle-free to allow the hydraulic arms to function properly. If you have more garbage than usual, do not place extra trash next to your container; instead, call 352-241-7320 to request a pickup for additional trash.

Recycling Collection Guidelines

Your recycling cart will be collected on the same day as your regular garbage collection according to the Clermont trash pickup schedule. Place your recycling cart curbside by 7 AM on your collection day. Only clean, empty, and dry items should be placed in the recycling cart to prevent litter. Do not put plastic bags in the recycling cart, as they are not recyclable and slow down the recycling process.

Acceptable recycling materials include paper, telephone books, newspapers, glossy magazines, aluminum or steel food cans (with lids removed, rinsed, and crushed), and beverage, milk, juice, and water bottles labeled #1 through #7. Glass is also accepted. Irrelevant materials placed in the recycling cart will result in non-collection by the sanitation department of Clermont.

Clermont Bulk Waste Pickup

Bulk trash includes oversized items that do not fit in your regular trash cart. If you need bulk waste collection services for Clermont, click the link below. Items that require special handling will not be picked up by the sanitation department, and you may need to hire a junk removal service.

Place all bulk trash items curbside by 7 AM on your collection day. Follow these rules to ensure your bulk trash is collected: do not pile bulk trash on personal property, as collection crews are not permitted to enter private property. If your bulk trash includes carpets, cut them into 4-foot lengths, roll them up, and place them curbside. Failure to follow these rules may result in non-collection of bulk trash.

According to Clermont law, acceptable bulk trash includes mattresses, box springs, bed frames, cabinets, sofas, furniture items, and other large items that do not fit into a regular service container. However, certain items are prohibited as bulk trash, including construction debris, latex paint, flammable liquids, hazardous waste, and medical instruments.

Yard Collection Guidelines

The Clermont trash pickup schedule includes yard trash collection on the same day as regular garbage collection. Acceptable yard trash includes grass, leaves, tree limbs, and other lawn debris. Place yard trash curbside by 7 AM on the designated day. The acceptable limit for yard waste per collection is 50 pounds. Residents should use city-provided green carts for yard trash.

If yard debris exceeds the cart’s capacity, place it in plastic garbage bags for curbside pickup. If your yard waste contains tree branches, cut them into lengths of 3 feet and no more than 3 inches in diameter. Tie the branches into bundles before placing them curbside to ensure collection.

Trash Pickup Holidays

Clermont observes certain holidays each year that will affect your regular trash collection services. If a holiday falls on your scheduled trash collection day, services will be delayed by one day. For example, if Monday is your regular collection day and a holiday falls on that Monday, your trash will be collected on Tuesday. Similarly, Tuesday’s trash collection will be delayed by one day. Follow the schedule below to ensure timely trash collection on holidays according to the Clermont trash pickup schedule:

HolidaysDate & DayChange in Trash Services Due to Holidays
New Year’s DayJanuary 1, 2025, WednesdayNo trash collection on Wednesday. Collection will be delayed to January 2, 2025, Thursday.
Memorial DayMay 26, 2025, MondayNo trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed to May 27, 2025, Tuesday.
Independence DayJuly 4, 2025, FridayNo trash collection on Friday. Collection will be delayed to July 5, 2025, Saturday.
Labor DaySeptember 1, 2025, MondayNo trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed to September 2, 2025, Tuesday.
Thanksgiving DayNovember 27, 2025, ThursdayNo trash collection on Thursday. Collection will be delayed to November 28, 2025, Friday.
Christmas DayDecember 25, 2025, ThursdayNo trash collection on Thursday. Collection will be delayed to December 26, 2025, Friday.

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