Cuyahoga Falls is a city located near Toledo in Summit County, Ohio, in the United States. The Cuyahoga Falls Sanitation Department is responsible for handling all trash collection services in the city. They offer two types of services: one is limited services, and the other is full trash services. They provide garbage collection once a week and recycling collection services twice a week.

Additionally, they facilitate residents in disposing of large trash items through special pickup requests. Residents are also responsible for keeping their area clean. To do this, residents must follow certain rules and regulations related to sanitation. Proper disposal of trash ensures the sustainability of the city’s healthy environment.
Find Your Collection Day
Are you looking for your Cuyahoga Falls Trash Schedule for trash and recycling collection day? Click the link below to find out your trash collection day. This link will also provide information about any holiday delays. Place your cart at the curbside on your designated day according to the sanitation rules provided by the Cuyahoga Falls Sanitation Department.
Garbage Collection
Place your garbage cart by 7 AM on your designated day to ensure your garbage is collected. Place your cart at the edge of the street in front of your property. There are some instructions you must follow when placing your cart at the curbside, such as positioning your cart so that its lid opens toward the street.
Place only a closed-lid cart at the curbside; if your trash is overflowing, it will not be collected. Do not block sidewalks when placing your cart. Remove your cart as soon as possible after collection. To keep your cart clean, wash it after each collection.
Recycling Collection
Recycling services will be provided biweekly. To ensure recycling collection, place your cart at the curbside by 7 AM on your recycling collection day. Recycling carts will be serviced once every two weeks on the same day as your normal garbage collection. Place only clean, empty, and dry items into the recycling cart to reduce litter and spillage. Do not add any irrelevant material to the recycling cart; otherwise, it will not be serviced. Do not put any plastic bags in the recycling cart.
Acceptable recycling materials include metal (food, beverage, and pet food cans, including metal, bi-metal, tin, and aluminum), paper (newspapers, magazines, junk mail, telephone books, catalogs, cardboard, paperboard such as cereal boxes, beverage and food boxes/cartons, milk cartons, and juice boxes). Note: Waxed cardboard is not recycled, nor is food-contaminated cardboard. Plastics accepted are beverage and laundry detergent bottles, jugs, dish soap, and bathing product bottles marked with a 1 or 2 on the bottom.
Missed Collection
If you miss your trash collection for any reason, whether it’s due to a mistake on your part, such as violating trash rules when placing your trash at the curb, or an oversight by the collection truck, remain calm. You can report the issue by calling (330) 971-8010.
Request Special Pickup
Do you have bulk yard waste or other large items you need to dispose of? The City of Cuyahoga Falls provides a solution for these problems. If you have such materials, you can dispose of them through special pickup services. Residents are required to make requests before 4 PM a day prior to their collection day. Click the link below to access the special pickup request form.
You simply need to enter some basic information such as your name, email, contact number, and address. Then, scroll down to select the type of items you want to dispose of. Residents are required to provide a description of their trash in a description box. Once you have completed the form, click the submit button.
Cuyahoga Falls Trash Holidays Schedule
Garbage collection services run smoothly throughout the year, but there are certain holidays that will affect your trash collection services. Your normal trash collection will be delayed by one day if residents observe these holidays on a scheduled collection day. For example, if these holidays fall on a Monday, then your trash cart will be serviced on Tuesday. Similarly, Tuesday’s collection will also be delayed by one day. Follow the chart below to place your cart at the curbside to ensure collection.
Holidays | Date and Day | Change in Garbage and Recycling Collection Schedule |
Memorial Day | Monday, May 26, 2025 | No trash collection on Monday. Your trash carts will be serviced on May 27, 2025, Tuesday. |
Independence Day | Friday, July 4, 2025 | No trash collection on Friday. Your trash carts will be serviced on July 5, 2025, Saturday. |
Labor Day | Monday, September 1, 2025 | No trash collection on Monday. Your trash carts will be serviced on September 2, 2025, Tuesday. |
Thanksgiving Day | Thursday, November 27, 2025 | No trash collection on Thursday. Your trash carts will be serviced on November 28, 2025, Friday. |
Christmas Day | Thursday, December 25, 2025 | No trash collection on Thursday. Your trash carts will be serviced on December 26, 2025, Friday. |
New Year’s Day | Thursday, January 1, 2026 | No trash collection on Thursday. Your trash carts will be serviced on January 2, 2026, Friday. |