Mount Pleasant is a large suburban town located in Charleston County, South Carolina, United States. The Waste Management Division is responsible for trash collection services in Mount Pleasant. They provide curbside trash collection services on a weekly basis according to your location. Furthermore, they also facilitate residents with recycling drop-off services, where residents can dispose of their recycling trash. Residents are also required to follow the rules and regulations provided by the Waste Management Division to ensure cleanliness in Mount Pleasant.

Mount Pleasant Trash Schedule

Find Your Garbage and Recycling Collection Schedule

If you are not sure about your Mount Pleasant Garbage Collection Schedule and want to know your trash collection day to dispose of your trash on time, click the link below to get the trash collection schedule. Identify your trash day according to your location and place your cart at the curbside according to the rules provided by the Sanitation Department.

Garbage Collection

Check your Mount Pleasant Trash Schedule to identify your garbage collection day, and place your carts at the curbside by 7 AM on your designated day. Put all garbage into bags and then place these bags into carts because loose trash could cause health issues for the collection crew. The time of cart collection is not set due to weather and traffic conditions. Once your cart is collected, roll it back as soon as possible.

Do not put residential medical waste into normal garbage carts because these materials could harm the collection crew. Store all medical waste separately, as the city government provides separate collection services for these materials. Place all medical waste into a proper, puncture-proof medical care container to dispose of it safely. Label your medical container as “Not Recyclable” before placing it at the curb.

There are some rules you must follow when placing your cart at the curb, such as leaving a distance of 3 feet on both sides of the cart. Place your cart so that its lid faces the front of the street. Do not place your cart in hidden locations, as this may lead to missed trash collection. Try to place your cart in an obstacle-free area so that the collection truck can easily pick it up.

Recycling Collection

The Town of Mount Pleasant provides limited recycling facilities. Recycling services are available to residents once every two weeks. Place your recycling cart by 7 AM along with your normal garbage cart on the designated day. Avoid placing any plastic bags into the recycling cart, as these bags are not recyclable and cause problems in the recycling process.

Acceptable curbside recycling materials include paper, flattened cardboard, plastic bottles, plastic containers, plastics with numbers 1 to 7, metal boxes, aluminum cans, steel cans, glass bottles, and jars. Do not put any irrelevant materials into the recycling cart. Do not mix your residential garbage with recycling trash; otherwise, your recycling cart will not be serviced.

Bring all household hazardous materials for recycling to a nearby drop-off station. If you have paint, medication, and other household chemicals, bring these items to the drop-off station. Similarly, fluorescent light bulbs help save energy but cannot be placed in your garbage can or recycling bin. Residents must bring all unbroken fluorescent light bulbs to the drop-off station to prevent mercury exposure, which is very dangerous.

Bulk Items Collection

Your bulk trash will also be serviced on the same day as your normal garbage collection. A bulk collection truck will come through your neighborhood to collect your bulk trash. Pile your bulk trash at the curbside by 7 AM on your collection day. Acceptable bulk trash includes mattresses, broken furniture that cannot be donated, and home appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, washers, and dryers. Do not place construction debris into your bulk trash pile.

Materials such as engine parts, hazardous materials (such as old pesticides and creosote materials like railroad ties), oil (used oil can be recycled at the Six Mile Facility), tires, batteries, wet paint, tree stumps, bricks, and concrete are not acceptable for bulk trash. If you are placing mattresses at the curb, wrap them in plastic before doing so.

Yard Waste Collection

Yard trash will also be collected on the same day as your bulk collection. Place all yard trash, including leaves, grass, grass clippings, branches, and shrubs, at the curbside by 7 AM to ensure your yard waste is collected. When placing your yard trash at the curbside, put all leaves into a compostable bag. Cut all branches into lengths of 6 feet and a diameter of 3 inches, tie these branches into bundles, and place them at the curbside.

Mount Pleasant Holidays Collection Schedule

Mount Pleasant observes certain holidays that will affect your trash collection day. If you observe these holidays on a Monday, your trash collection will be delayed by one day, and Monday’s carts will be collected on Tuesday. Similarly, Tuesday’s collection will be done on Wednesday, and so on. This delay in trash collection services will continue throughout the week.

HolidaysDate and DayChange in Trash and Garbage Collection Schedules
New Year’s DayWednesday, January 1, 2025No trash collection on Wednesday. Your carts will be serviced on January 2, 2025, Thursday.
Martin Luther King Jr. DayMonday, January 20, 2025No trash collection on Monday. Your carts will be serviced on January 21, 2025, Tuesday.
Memorial DayMonday, May 26, 2025No trash collection on Monday. Your carts will be serviced on May 27, 2025, Tuesday.
Juneteenth DayThursday, June 19, 2025No trash collection on Thursday. Your carts will be serviced on June 20, 2025, Friday.
Independence DayFriday, July 4, 2025No trash collection on Friday. Your carts will be serviced on July 5, 2025, Saturday.
Labor DayMonday, September 1, 2025No trash collection on Monday. Your carts will be serviced on September 2, 2025, Tuesday.
Veterans DayTuesday, November 11, 2025No trash collection on Tuesday. Your carts will be serviced on November 12, 2025, Wednesday.
Thanksgiving DayThursday, November 27, 2025No trash collection on Thursday. Your carts will be serviced on November 28, 2025, Friday.
Christmas DayThursday, December 25, 2025No trash collection on Thursday. Your carts will be serviced on December 26, 2025, Friday.

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