Peoria is a city located in central Illinois. The Solid Waste Division of the City of Peoria is responsible for residential and commercial waste collection. They provide solid waste, recycling, bulk, and yard collection facilities to its residents in order to keep the environment of the city clean and healthy. You are also obligated to certain rules and regulations to ensure cleanliness in your area.

Peoria Trash Schedule

Peoria Trash Schedule Map

If you are looking for your Peoria trash and recycling pick-up schedule, click on the following link to get a trash and recycling collection map. Through this map, you can identify your trash and recycling pickup day according to your location.

Residential Trash Collection Time

Place your containers outside by 6 AM on your collection day and collect your container at 6 PM on the same day. Leave a distance of 4 feet between residential trash and recycling containers.

Place your carts in a way that their lids will face the front of the street. Place only closed-lidded containers outside. Moreover, do not overfill your carts. If you place any irrelevant material such as dirt, rocks, concrete, and vehicle parts into your residential cart, it will not be serviced.

Clean your carts on a regular basis after collection to prevent spillage and reduce odors. Place your carts in a way that they will not block sidewalks. Similarly, carts should not be hidden behind large objects such as parked vehicles, mailboxes, and poles.

Recycling Collection Time

The city will provide recycling service along with residential pickup, so place both recycling and residential trash carts outside on the same day. Place your recycling cart outside by 6 AM on your scheduled collection day.

Acceptable recycling material includes Cardboard, Paper (including newspaper & mail), Food Boxes, Cartons such as milk, liquid egg cartons, juice, soup, broth, coffee creamer, Beverage Cans, Food Cans, Glass Bottles, Jars (glass and plastic), Jugs, and Plastic Bottles (with caps screwed on).

Do not place any irrelevant material into the recycling trash cart. Moreover, do not place plastic bags into recycling carts because these bags are not recyclable. Place only empty, clean, and dry items into recycling trash carts.

Peoria Bulk Cleanup Program

The City of Peoria will provide bulk trash pickup service to those citizens who are already receiving solid and recycling trash pickup service. These services are available by appointment only for the residents of Peoria. Residents can avail themselves of this opportunity two times a year. The Peoria bulk cleanup program works on a first-come, first-served basis. Click on the following link to get an appointment for bulk pickup.

Acceptable bulk materials include four categories of trash: home appliances, furniture, yard material, and wood. Do not place household hazardous and dangerous material in a bulk pile, otherwise, your bulk trash will not be serviced.

Place your bulk trash material outside by 6 AM on your collection day. First, confirm your bulk pickup confirmation email, then place your trash outside. Do not place trash on your private property; always place your bulk trash along the gutter or curb in front of your property.

The size limit of the bulk trash pile is 6 feet in length, 4 feet in width, and 3 feet tall. Do not exceed this limit. Cut your yard trash such as tree branches and limbs into lengths of 3 feet and tie them into a bundle. Branches and limbs must be 12 inches in diameter.

If you have a large quantity of small items, put them into a bag and then place them curbside for collection. Similarly, pet waste must be in bags also. Place all cacti into cardboard to ensure the safety of the waste collection crew. If your bulk trash is placed improperly, it will not be serviced, so place your bulk items properly to ensure your trash collection.

Household Hazardous Collection

The Waste Management Authority will pick up household hazardous materials from your houses that you wish to dispose of. The city will provide by appointment household hazardous materials pickup service. If you want to get these services, you will have to follow three steps.

Firstly, you have to fill out an online Household Hazardous Pick-up Appointment Form. You also have to tell them what type of material you wish to have picked up from your house. You can also get an appointment by calling (623)-773-7836.

Secondly, you will receive a confirmation email from the waste management department; they will confirm your household hazardous collection day.

Thirdly, you have to set your material outside for collection by 6 AM on your appointed day. Place all materials into containers; these containers should be properly sealed and labeled.

Acceptable household hazardous materials include household chemicals marked dangerous, auto batteries, paint thinner, gasoline, pesticides, motor oil, oil-based paint, rechargeable batteries, and aerosol cans. Do not place any irrelevant material outside for collection; otherwise, your trash material will not be serviced.

Peoria Trash Holidays Schedule

The city observes the following holidays annually, and your trash collection will be delayed by one day for the whole week if you observe these holidays on your normal trash collection schedule.

HolidaysDate and DayChange in Collection Schedule
New Year’s DayWednesday, January 1, 2025City offices will be closed on Wednesday, January 1st.
Wednesday collection moves to Thursday, Thursday collection moves to Friday, Friday collection moves to Saturday.
Martin Luther King Jr. DayMonday, January 20, 2025City offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th.
Monday collection moves to Tuesday, Tuesday collection moves to Wednesday, Wednesday collection moves to Thursday, Thursday collection moves to Friday, Friday collection moves to Saturday.
Presidents’ DayMonday, February 17, 2025City offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th.
Monday collection moves to Tuesday, Tuesday collection moves to Wednesday, Wednesday collection moves to Thursday, Thursday collection moves to Friday, Friday collection moves to Saturday.
Memorial DayMonday, May 26, 2025City offices will be closed on Monday, May 26th.
Monday collection moves to Tuesday, Tuesday collection moves to Wednesday, Wednesday collection moves to Thursday, Thursday collection moves to Friday, Friday collection moves to Saturday.
JuneteenthThursday, June 19, 2025City offices will be closed on Thursday, June 19th.
Thursday collection moves to Friday, Friday collection moves to Saturday.
Independence DayFriday, July 4, 2025City offices will be closed on Friday, July 4th.
Friday collection moves to Saturday.
Labor DayMonday, September 1, 2025City offices will be closed on Monday, September 1st.
Monday collection moves to Tuesday, Tuesday collection moves to Wednesday, Wednesday collection moves to Thursday, Thursday collection moves to Friday, Friday collection moves to Saturday.
Columbus DayMonday, October 13, 2025Not a city holiday – collection will not be affected.
Veterans DayMonday, November 11, 2025City offices will be closed on Monday, November 11th.
Monday collection moves to Tuesday, Tuesday collection moves to Wednesday, Wednesday collection moves to Thursday, Thursday collection moves to Friday, Friday collection moves to Saturday.
Thanksgiving DayThursday, November 27, 2025City offices will be closed on Thursday, November 27th.
Thursday collection moves to Friday, Friday collection moves to Saturday.
Christmas DayThursday, December 25, 2025City offices will be closed on Thursday, December 25th.
Wednesday collection moves to Thursday, Thursday collection moves to Friday, Friday collection moves to Saturday.

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