Portland, the most populous city in Oregon, is nestled in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. With a variety of zip codes like 97035, 97086, and 97201, it’s a vibrant urban center. Portland Disposal & Recycling, Inc. is dedicated to keeping the city clean by providing weekly trash and recycling services, as well as solid waste disposal, tailored to the needs of different neighborhoods.

Portland Trash Schedule

To maintain a healthy environment, collaboration between residents and the sanitation department is essential. By following the city’s trash disposal guidelines, residents can help ensure that Portland remains a clean and sustainable place to live. Together, we can work towards a cleaner future for our community.

Portland Trash Schedule

According to Portland’s regulations, regular trash collection services are provided every other week. To ensure your trash collection, place your cart at the curbside by 6 AM on the designated day. Trash will be collected between 6 AM and 5 PM, so remove your cart in the evening once it has been collected.

Place your cart so that its lid faces the front of the street for easy collection. Leave a 3-foot distance from other containers when placing your cart at the curbside, and ensure a clearance of 2 feet on both sides. Avoid placing the cart in obstructed areas.

Do not block sidewalks, and use only a closed-lidded cart at the curbside. Do not overfill your cart; if trash spills out, it will not be collected. Do not add irrelevant materials, such as hot ashes or construction debris, to your regular trash cart. If the collection crew finds any prohibited material, they will not collect your cart.

If you are unsure about your trash collection day, click the link below. This link includes a search bar in the middle of the page. Enter your complete address or zip code to find your trash and recycling collection schedule according to your area.


Portland Recycling & Compost Collection Schedule

Residents of Portland are provided with a 60-gallon blue recycling roll cart, a 60-gallon green compost roll cart, and a yellow rectangular bin for glass. Residents should place all recyclable and compostable materials in the city-issued carts and set them at the curbside by 6 AM on the scheduled collection day. Only empty, clean, and dry items should be placed in the recycling and compost carts.

Place only loose items in your bin, and do not use plastic bags, as they slow down the recycling process. According to Portland’s rules, acceptable recycling materials include three main categories: paper and cardboard (such as cardboard tubes, paper bags, paperback books), food materials (such as tea bags and coffee), and plastics, glass, cans, and tin. Do not place prohibited materials in your recycling bin; if found, the collection crew will not collect it.

Portland Bulky Waste Disposal

Bulky waste includes items that cannot fit into a regular trash cart due to size, such as broken furniture (chairs, tables, beds, sofas), mattresses, and home appliances. Portland residents have three options for bulky waste disposal. First, if the item is in good condition, it can be donated.

Appliances such as microwaves, vacuums, and TVs can also be recycled. To find a recycling center, click the link below or call 503-234-3000. Residents should bring their bulk trash to the recycling center on the scheduled day.

The third option is scheduling bulk trash collection services with your garbage company. Click the link below to find your hauler, then contact them to schedule a bulk pickup. Residents should schedule their bulk trash collection at least one week prior to their normal garbage collection.


Portland Yard Collection Schedule

Portland residents can schedule curbside yard waste collection services on an appointment basis. If you have yard trash and want to dispose of it, contact your garbage company or reach out to [email protected] or call 503-823-7202 to arrange a collection.

Place all tree leaves and grass trimmings in compostable bags before placing them at the curbside. If yard trimmings include tree branches, cut them into 4-foot lengths and tie them into bundles. Bundles should not exceed 40 pounds.

Portland Holidays Schedule

Certain holidays observed annually in Portland will affect normal trash collection services. On these holidays, trash collection services will be delayed by one day. For instance, if a holiday falls on Monday, Monday’s trash will be collected on Tuesday, and this shift continues through the week. Residents should follow the schedule below to ensure holiday trash collection.


Date & DayChange in Trash Collection Services Due to Holidays
New Year’s DayJanuary 1, 2025, Wednesday
Thanksgiving DayNovember 27, 2025, Thursday
Christmas DayDecember 25, 2025, Thursday

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