Raleigh is the capital of Northern California near Holly Springs. The Solid Waste Services department is committed to providing curbside garbage, recycling, yard, and bulk waste collection facilities. These services are offered based on your location in the city.

Raleigh Trash Schedule

Through effective management of trash, the Solid Waste Services department aims to ensure the good health and sustainability of valuable resources in the area. As a resident of Raleigh, it is your primary responsibility to follow the rules and regulations provided by the trash management authority to keep the environment healthy and clean.

Raleigh Trash Schedule

If you are looking for your trash collection schedule, click on the following link to access the annual city calendar. You will also find a search bar where you can enter your complete address along with the street number to get your trash service schedule.


Place your trash cart outside by 7 AM on your designated day in Raleigh. Ensure that your cart is placed according to the rules and regulations provided by the Solid Waste Services department. For instance, keep a distance of 3 feet from other carts and 6 feet from obstacles.

Recycling Collection in Raleigh

To get your recycling collection schedule, click on the link below. You will be directed to a search bar where you can enter your complete address to get your recycling schedule along with specific instructions.


The Solid Waste Services department will provide recycling services once every two weeks. To ensure your recycling is collected, place your recyclable material at the curbside alongside your residential trash on the scheduled day. Do not mix your recycling with residential or yard trash; place them separately in their designated containers.

Place your cart outside by 6 AM on your collection day and remove it by 7 PM on the same day. Only place empty, clean, and dry items into the recycling cart. Avoid putting plastic bags into the recycling cart as they are not recyclable and could cause problems during the recycling process.

Place all materials inside the cart, and do not leave any recyclable material outside of it, as your trash cart will not be collected. Ensure the cart lid is closed to prevent litter on the street. Additionally, do not place any non-recyclable items into the recycling cart.

Report Missed Collection in Raleigh

Missing your trash collection can be a hassle, but if it happens, you can report it in two ways.

First, you can call Solid Waste Services’ customer service at 919-996-3245. They are available to take your complaints from Monday to Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 AM to 5 PM. On Thursday, their working hours are from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Second, you can report your missed trash collection through an online missed collection request form. You can access the form through the link below. Fill out the form and click the submit button. Once you submit an online request, the Solid Waste Management department will automatically schedule your trash collection for the next business day.

Report your missed trash collection after 2 PM when you experience a missed collection. Your trash will be collected on the next business day. Do not call customer service if you have already submitted a request through the online form.

If you cannot find any solution, read this: What To Do If You Miss Trash Day?

Raleigh Bulk Items Collection schedule

The city trash management authority offers bulk trash pickup services. Bulk items include furniture, home appliances, and other items that cannot fit into your residential trash cart. The city offers this service in two ways: free bulk collection or bulk collection for a fee.

Free Bulk Collection

Items that can go to the landfill but do not fit into residential trash carts are collected free of charge. For instance, small furniture items and mattresses are collected at no cost.

Bulk Collection for a Fee

Items that cannot be collected through bulk load collection due to their size and require special handling are collected for a fee, which depends on the volume of the item. These items include electronics, refrigerators, washing machines, and other oversized household materials.

If your items are not eligible for either collection service, you can bring them to a drop-off station or hire a private waste hauler to dispose of your trash.

Request for Bulk Items Collection

The process for requesting bulk item pickup is simple and easy. If you are already receiving trash service, you can call 919-996-3245 to request special pickup services for your bulky trash. When you call, they will conduct a short interview during which you will need to provide your full name, complete home address, phone number, and a description of the item you wish to have picked up.

If you are requesting a special load collection, you will have to pay a fee based on the volume of your bulk trash before placing the material at the curbside. Once you request bulk collection, place your material outside alongside your residential garbage cart on your next collection day.

Preparing Items for Collection

Place all bulk trash at the curbside, not in the street. Ensure all materials are placed in a clear area, not under or behind obstacles such as low-hanging limbs, utility poles, lines, and boxes. Acceptable bulk items include furniture, damaged electronics, grills, mattresses, bicycles, lawnmowers, and lawn appliances.

Do not place your bulk trash in the alley, as the collection crew will not pick up trash from there. Place all materials loosely at the curbside, and do not place any bulk trash items into containers. If you do not follow these rules, your bulk trash will not be collected.

Yard Collection

Yard collection service will be provided once every two weeks on the opposite week of your recycling collection. Place your yard trash outside alongside your residential trash to ensure yard collection. Do not put any yard material into plastic bags; instead, use biodegradable bags to place your trash at the curb.

Cut all tree branches into lengths of 3 feet and tie them into bundles. You can place at least 5 tied bundles out for collection at a time. If you are using biodegradable bags, the trash limit is 15 bags. Do not exceed this limit, or you may be fined.

The city will issue 95-gallon green yard carts in which you should place all materials. If you have more yard trash than can fit into the cart, you can use biodegradable bags or order a new yard cart for an additional fee of $2 per month.

If you want to order a new yard cart, call 919-996-3245 or fill out an online web form. Once you make a request for a cart, it will be delivered as soon as possible.

Raleigh Trash Holidays Schedule

The city will observe certain holidays that will affect your trash collection schedule. Your normal trash collection schedule will be delayed by one day if a holiday falls on your usual collection day.


HolidayDate and DayChange in Trash Collection Schedule
New Year’s DayWednesday, January 1, 2025Your trash will be collected on January 2, 2025, Thursday.
Thanksgiving DayThursday, November 27, 2025Your trash will be collected on November 28, 2025, Friday.
Christmas DayThursday, December 25, 2025Trash collection will be scheduled on December 26, 2025, Friday.

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