Rockville is a city in Maryland, located near Washington, D.C. The zip codes for the city range from 20847 to 20855 and also include 20857 and 20877. The City of Rockville’s Solid Waste Management Department provides trash collection services to residents, including weekly trash and recycling services, as well as bulk and yard trash disposal services. Their dedication to these services is motivated by a commitment to ensuring cleanliness in the city and providing a healthy environment for residents.

The Solid Waste Department focuses on preventing environmental hazards and maintaining community cleanliness. By managing waste disposal efficiently, they ensure public health and safety. Residents’ cooperation in sorting recyclables, minimizing waste, and following collection schedules is vital for the system to operate effectively.
Rockville Trash Schedule
If you are unsure about your trash collection day, click the link below. This link provides a city map with a search bar. Enter your complete address into the search bar and press enter. This will display your trash and recycling collection schedule.
According to Rockville’s regulations, regular trash collection services are provided once a week. To dispose of household trash, place it in the trash cart and set the cart at the curbside by 6 AM on your scheduled collection day. Once your trash is collected, remove the cart within 24 hours.
Place your trash cart with its lid facing the front of the street to ensure easy collection. Avoid blocking sidewalks and keep your cart in a visible and accessible location. Do not place carts near static obstacles like mailboxes, trees, or poles. Only closed-lid carts should be placed at the curbside to reduce litter in the streets.
Rockville Recycling Schedule
Recycling services are provided on the same day as regular garbage collection. Place recycling carts at the curbside by 6 AM on your scheduled collection day, along with your regular garbage cart. All recycling materials should be placed loosely in the recycling cart, as plastic bags are not recyclable and cause issues during processing.
According to the Rockville Solid Waste Department, acceptable recycling materials include plastics labeled #1, #2, and #5 (check the bottom of containers for the recycling number), metal cans, cardboard, paper, paper food containers and cartons, juice boxes, egg cartons, ice cream cartons, milk cartons, cereal boxes, and pasta boxes. Do not place irrelevant materials in your recycling cart.
Reporting Missed Trash Collections
Missed trash collections can occur for several reasons, such as placing incorrect materials in the trash cart or the collection crew overlooking your cart. If your trash is missed, click the link below to fill out a missed collection report form, or call 240-314-8568 to report the issue.
Rockville Seasonal Leaf Collection Schedule
Residents of Rockville are provided with seasonal yard waste collection services from April to December each year. To find your yard waste collection day, click the link below. The link includes a city map with a search bar. Enter your complete address to determine your yard waste collection schedule.
Place yard waste at the curbside by 6 AM on the scheduled day. Pack tree leaves in compostable bags and place them at the curb to ensure collection. For tree branches, cut them into 3-foot lengths and tie them into bundles before placing them at the curb. After your trash is collected, clean any remaining debris from the street.
Rockville Bulk Item Disposal Schedule
Residents of Rockville are provided with curbside bulk trash collection services. Bulk trash includes items that cannot fit in a standard trash cart due to their size, such as broken furniture, mattresses, and home appliances. To schedule bulk collection, call 240-314-8568.
Rockville Holidays Trash Schedule
Certain holidays affect normal trash collection schedules in Rockville. During these holidays, trash collection is delayed by one day. For example, if a holiday falls on Monday, trash collection services will occur on Tuesday, with similar delays continuing throughout the week. Follow the schedule below for holiday trash collection.
When (Date & Day) | Change in Trash Collection Services Due to Holidays |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2025, Wednesday |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day | January 20, 2025, Monday |
Presidents’ Day | February 17, 2025, Monday |
Memorial Day | May 26, 2025, Monday |
Juneteenth | June 19, 2025, Thursday |
Independence Day | July 4, 2025, Friday |
Labor Day | September 1, 2025, Monday |
Veterans Day | November 11, 2025, Tuesday |
Thanksgiving Day | November 27, 2025, Thursday |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2025, Thursday |