Schenectady is a city located in Schenectady County, New York, United States. The zip codes for the city include 12301, 12303 to 12309. The Solid Waste Management Department of Schenectady is responsible for trash collection services. Their dedication is motivated by the goal of keeping the city clean and maintaining a healthy environment. They provide weekly trash, recycling, and solid waste collection services. However, they rely on residents’ help to perform their duties effectively. Proper waste sorting and disposal by residents ensure efficient recycling and waste management, reduce contamination, and improve overall waste processing. Residents must follow all trash disposal rules.

Schenectady Trash Schedule

If you are unsure about your trash collection day, click the link below. This link provides a city map with a search bar in the top-right corner. Enter your complete address into the search bar and press enter to find your trash collection schedule for your area.

Residents are required to use city-issued containers for household garbage disposal. According to Schenectady city regulations, ensure your garbage cart is placed at the curbside by 7 AM on the scheduled collection day. To minimize spillage, place all trash in plastic bags before putting them into the garbage cart.

Be punctual with your trash container placement; if you are late, your cart may not be collected. The weight of the cart must not exceed 100 lbs. Position your cart at the curbside in front of your property, at the edge of the street, with the lid facing toward the street.

Only closed-lid carts should be placed at the curb. Overflowing carts will not be collected. After your trash is collected, remove the cart as soon as possible, preferably by the evening of the same day. Follow these guidelines to ensure smooth trash collection.

Schenectady Recycling Schedule

Recycling is collected on the same day as regular garbage. Schenectady residents receive single-stream recycling services. Place recyclable materials at the curbside by 7 AM on the scheduled day. Do not bag recyclable materials; place them loosely in the recycling cart. Avoid blocking sidewalks when positioning your carts.

Include only clean, empty, and dry items in the recycling cart to reduce spills and litter. Avoid placing irrelevant items in the recycling cart, as they will result in missed collections. Acceptable recycling materials include mixed paper, newspapers, mail, office paper, plastic bottles and containers, aluminum cans, tin boxes, flattened cardboard, and food boxes. If glass is included, ensure it is unbroken to prevent injury to the collection crew.

Yard Waste Schedule

Schenectady provides seasonal yard waste collection services from April 1 through December 31. If you wish to dispose of yard waste, check the schedule via the link above and place your yard waste at the curbside by 7 AM on the scheduled day.

Residents must follow the city’s yard waste preparation rules. Place all tree leaves in compostable paper bags for collection. For sticks, twigs, and branches, cut them into 4-foot lengths with a maximum diameter of 3 inches. Tie them into bundles before placing them at the curb. If you use a different cart for yard waste, label it as “Yard Trash” so the collection crew can identify it easily.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Household hazardous waste (HHW) includes materials labeled as toxic or dangerous, such as pool chemicals, paint, and house cleaners. To dispose of HHW, contact the city at [email protected] or call (518) 388-4775 to schedule a collection.

Schenectady Holidays Trash Schedule

Schenectady observes certain holidays that affect trash collection schedules. On these holidays, trash collection is delayed by one day. For example, if a holiday falls on Monday, Monday’s trash will be collected on Tuesday, and the delay continues throughout the week. Follow the schedule below for holiday trash collections.


When (Date & Day)Change in Trash Collection Services Due to Holidays
New Year’s DayJanuary 1, 2025, Wednesday
Martin Luther King Jr. DayJanuary 20, 2025, Monday
Presidents’ DayFebruary 17, 2025, Monday
Memorial DayMay 26, 2025, Monday
JuneteenthJune 19, 2025, Thursday
Independence DayJuly 4, 2025, Friday
Labor DaySeptember 1, 2025, Monday
Columbus DayOctober 13, 2025, Monday
Veterans DayNovember 11, 2025, Tuesday
Thanksgiving DayNovember 27, 2025, Thursday
Christmas DayDecember 25, 2025, Thursday

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