Smyrna is an ancient Greek city located at a strategic point on the Aegean coast of Anatolia. Georgia’s Residential Sanitation Division is responsible for garbage removal in the city of Smyrna. They provide garbage, recycling, yard, and bulk curbside collection services. All their efforts are dedicated to ensuring cleanliness in the city so that citizens can enjoy healthy lives. In this mission, the Residential Sanitation Division will need the support of Smyrna residents. Residents must contribute by following the rules and regulations related to garbage disposal to ensure cleanliness in the city.

Smyrna Trash Schedule

Find Your Collection Day

If you are looking for your Smyrna Garbage Collection Schedule, click the link below. You will be directed to a map of Smyrna with a search bar in the top-right corner. Enter your complete address into the search bar and press the “Enter” key. This will show you the trash, recycling, and yard collection schedule for your area. Make sure to prepare your trash properly to ensure collection, as violating sanitation rules may lead to missed collections.

Find Your Collection Day

Garbage Collections

Place all garbage into a city-issued 32-gallon garbage cart and set it curbside by 7 AM on your collection day. According to city regulations, garbage collection services will be provided once a week. Ensure your cart is placed in a clear, obstacle-free location. Place only a closed-lid cart at the curb, as any overflowing trash will not be collected.

Position your cart with the lid facing the street, leaving a clearance of 3 feet on both sides so that the collection truck can easily pick it up. Avoid blocking sidewalks with your cart. Roll your cart back as soon as possible after it has been collected. The weight of the garbage bag must not exceed 50 pounds.

Recycling Collections

The City of Smyrna provides recycling carts to residents, allowing them to dispose of recyclables. Recycling services are provided once every two weeks. It is recommended to use only city-issued recycling carts for curbside placement. If you’re not currently recycling, you can order a recycling cart online. Acceptable recycling materials include paper, mixed paper, metal cans, tin, glass bottles, glass containers, plastic bottles, plastic jars, containers, and flattened cardboard.

Do not add shredded paper or plastic bags into the recycling cart, as these items are not recyclable. Plastic bags cause problems in recycling plants and slow down the recycling process. Only empty, dry, and clean materials should be placed in the cart. If your recyclables do not fit into the cart, use biodegradable bags labeled as recyclable and place them next to the recycling cart.

Large Item/Bulk Item Collections

Bulk trash includes items that cannot fit into your regular garbage cart. These items will be collected separately upon request. Bulk trash includes mattresses, appliances, and furniture. To schedule bulk trash pickup, call (770) 431-2850 or click the link below.

Schedule Bulk Pickup

Bulk trash pickup must be scheduled on Monday, and your bulk items will be collected on the same day as your garbage collection. A fee of $30 will be charged for each bulk item. Do not place refrigerators, freezers, or AC units in your bulk trash pile, as they will not be collected.

Yard Waste Collections

Yard waste includes tree branches, leaves, grass clippings, limbs, and lawn material. If you want to dispose of yard waste, check your collection schedule using the link mentioned above. To prepare yard waste for curbside collection, place tree leaves in biodegradable bags. Cut all branches into lengths of 4 feet, tie them into bundles, and place them at the curb. Yard waste will be collected on Monday, so ensure all yard waste is curbside by 7 AM on your scheduled collection day.

Smyrna Trash Holidays Schedule

Certain holidays will affect the regular trash collection schedule in Smyrna. Although trash collection services generally run smoothly, observing the following holidays will alter your regular collection day. Follow the schedule below to ensure your trash and recycling are collected during holiday weeks.

HolidaysWhenChange in Trash and Recycling Collection Schedule
Martin Luther King Jr. DayObserved Monday, January 20, 2025No waste and yard collection this week. Trash and recycling will be serviced one day prior to the holiday.
Good FridayObserved Friday, April 18, 2025Collections will move back one day. Tuesday routes will be picked up on Monday, and Wednesday routes will be picked up on Tuesday. No yard waste or large items this week.
Memorial DayObserved Monday, May 26, 2025No waste and yard collection this week. Trash and recycling will be serviced one day prior to the holiday.
JuneteenthObserved Thursday, June 19, 2025Tuesday routes will be picked up on Monday, and Wednesday routes on Tuesday. No yard waste or large items this week.
Independence DayObserved Friday, July 4, 2025Tuesday routes will pick up on Monday, and Wednesday routes will pick up on Tuesday. Thursday routes will pick up on Wednesday. No yard waste or large items this week.
Labor DayObserved Monday, September 1, 2025No waste and yard collection this week. Trash and recycling will be serviced one day prior to the holiday.
Veterans DayObserved Tuesday, November 11, 2025No waste and yard collection this week. Trash and recycling will be serviced one day prior to the holiday.
Thanksgiving DayThursday, November 27, 2025Tuesday routes will pick up on Monday, and Wednesday routes on Tuesday. No yard waste or large items this week.
Christmas DayObserved Thursday, December 25, 2025Tuesday routes will pick up on Monday, and Wednesday routes will pick up on Tuesday. No yard waste or large items this week.
New Year’s DayObserved Thursday, January 1, 2026Tuesday routes will pick up on Monday, and Wednesday routes will pick up on Tuesday. No yard waste or large items this week.

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