Boston is the capital and most populous city in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, United States. The City of Boston’s Solid Waste Management Department is responsible for trash collection services as part of the Boston trash schedule. Trash collection companies ensure public health and environmental protection by managing waste effectively. Residents help by sorting their waste, which improves recycling efficiency and reduces contamination. It is crucial for residents to participate in trash collection activities and follow all rules and regulations provided by the city sanitation department in accordance with the Boston trash schedule.

Find Your Collection Day
If you are looking for your trash and recycling collection services, click the link below. You will find a search bar. Enter your complete address in the search bar, then tap on the search button. This will provide your Boston trash schedule for garbage and recycling collection. Prepare your trash properly to ensure collection, and place it curbside on designated days.
It is recommended to enter only your address in the search bar and avoid adding a zip code. Use street numbers in words, not digits (e.g., “four” instead of “4”), and use “E” or “W” to indicate street direction.
Garbage Collections
Prepare your trash properly and place it at the curb. Put all residential garbage into plastic bags before placing it curbside. Place your garbage cart at the curb by 6 AM on your scheduled collection day according to the Boston trash schedule. You can use the My Trash App to get notifications on your trash collection day. Remove your cart by 5 PM on the same day of collection.
There are specific rules to follow when placing your trash cart at the curbside. Leave a clearance of 3 feet on both sides of your cart. Ensure your cart has handles so it can be easily collected by automatic trash trucks. Only place closed-lidded carts at the curbside. Do not overfill your cart. If trash spills out of the cart, it will not be collected according to the Boston trash schedule.
Recycling Collections
Your recycling cart will be collected every other week, as per the Boston trash schedule. Place all recyclable material loosely in the recycling cart and avoid putting plastic bags in the cart. Place your cart at the curbside by 6 AM on your collection day to ensure timely collection. Only closed-lidded carts should be placed at the curb; if material spills out, the cart will not be serviced.
Acceptable recycling materials include aluminum cans, metal cans, plastic bottles, plastic containers, plastic tabs (numbers 1-7), glass bottles, paper, cardboard (must be flattened), and food boxes. Do not add irrelevant material to the recycling cart, as it will not be serviced if improper items are found.
Bulk Trash Collections
Bulk trash includes oversized items that cannot fit into residential trash carts and require special handling. If you have bulk trash and need to dispose of it, call 311 or fill out the online request form. You can access the form via the link below. Enter your full name, email address, and home address with street number to request a bulk trash collection service day according to the Boston trash schedule.
Once your request is accepted, the city will schedule your bulk trash collection day. Prepare your trash properly and place it at the curbside by 6 AM on the scheduled day. Do not add construction debris or yard trash to your bulk trash pile, as these will not be collected. It is the resident’s duty to clean up any remaining trash after collection.
Yard Waste Collections
There are specific rules for yard waste collections as part of the Boston trash schedule. Branches must be cut to lengths of four feet and tied into bundles before being placed at the curbside for collection. If your yard waste includes leaves, place them in compostable bags before putting them curbside. If you have a large amount of bulk or yard waste, call the sanitation department at 311 to arrange special disposal.
Holidays Trash Collections
Due to certain holidays, the Boston trash schedule will be delayed by one day. For instance, if a holiday falls on a Monday, trash will be collected on Tuesday, and collections for the rest of the week will also be delayed by one day. Follow the schedule below to ensure timely collection of trash and recycling on holidays.
Holidays | Date & Day | Change in Collection Schedule |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2024, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on January 2, 2024, Tuesday. |
Memorial Day | May 27, 2024, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on May 28, 2024, Tuesday. |
Independence Day | July 4, 2024, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on July 5, 2024, Friday. |
Labor Day | September 2, 2024, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on September 3, 2024, Tuesday. |
Thanksgiving Day | November 28, 2024, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on November 29, 2024, Friday. |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2024, Wednesday | No trash collection on Wednesday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on December 26, 2024, Thursday. |