City of Goodyear is located in Maricopa County near Phoenix, Tempe, City of Avondale and Scottsdale in Arizona, United States. The local government of the city, in cooperation with Arizona, provides waste and recycling collection to the residents. The local government is responsible for providing home trash pickup service to residents to keep the environment clean and healthy.

As a resident of the City of Goodyear, it is obligatory for you to practice sustainable practices. You simply have to follow certain rules given by the local government to manage your household trash.
Goodyear Trash and Recycling Collection Schedule
If you are looking for your solid waste and recycling collection schedule, click on the following link, and you will get a search bar. The process is very simple. You have to enter your complete address into the search bar along with the street number. In this way, you can identify your trash and recycling collection schedule.
Residential Trash Collection Time
Residents of Goodyear City have to sign up for service. The city will provide solid trash collection once a week. Place your cart outside by 7 PM a day before your trash collection scheduled day. Try to leave your carts outside until 7 AM on your collection day.
Place your carts so that lids will face the front of the street. Keep a distance of 3 feet from other trash carts and a distance of 6 feet from other obstacles while placing your carts at curbside. Remove your trash as soon as possible. Moreover, do not block sidewalks.
Recycling Collection Time
The city will provide recycling service once a week along with residential trash pickup. So place all your recyclable materials outside by 7 AM on your collection scheduled day. Follow recycling rules and regulations to ensure your recycling pickup.
Acceptable recycling materials include metal (steel, tin, and aluminum beverage or food cans and jar lids), glass (beverage bottles and food jars), plastic (beverage or food containers, household cleaning products, and plastic product packaging), cardboards (food boxes such as cereal, snack, and baking mix), paperboard, and paper.
You can also check recycling symbols on products to identify recyclable material. Do not place any irrelevant material along with recycling trash for pickup; otherwise, your recycling trash will not be serviced. Moreover, do not put plastic bags into recycling carts because these bags are not recyclable and cause problems during the recycling process.
Report Missed Collection in Goodyear
If you experience that your trash does not get collected, behave calmly because you can report it, and the city will schedule another collection route to pick up your trash. There could be many reasons for missed collection, such as you may have put some irrelevant material in a trash cart or your cart may be hidden behind some static objects.
It could also be a trash collector’s mistake as they may not notice your trash cart while collecting. To report missed pickup and any problem related to trash services, you have to log in on GovAccess, go to the complaint section, and explain the problem you are facing. Once you report your missed collection, the waste management department will schedule another route to pick up your trash.
Bulk Waste Collection in Goodyear
Bulk wastes are materials that could not fit in residential trash carts generated as a result of normal residential activities. If you are looking for your monthly bulk trash pickup schedule, click on the following link. You will get a zone map through which you can easily identify your bulk pickup schedule:
Bulk material includes furniture, home appliances, yard waste, tree branches, and grass clippings. Place your bulk material outside by following the preceding collection week. Place your material outside by 6 AM on Monday of your assigned collection week. Break all bulk material into smaller pieces so that the collection crew can collect them easily.
Grass clippings must be bagged into sealed cardboard boxes. Similarly, place all glass items and cutting-edge materials into cardboard boxes to ensure the safety of the collection crew. Place all bulk material in front of your own property.
Place all bulk material away from electric boxes, cable boxes, mailboxes, poles, and water meters. Moreover, it is your responsibility to clean remaining debris left after bulk trash collection. Do not place household hazardous materials alone in your bulk pile; otherwise, your trash will not be serviced.
Household Hazardous Collection
The city will facilitate its citizens with household hazardous materials. They provide these facilities in two ways. One is HHW home pickup, which facilitates those Goodyear citizens who have their own active accounts and are already receiving sanitation services.
Household hazardous trash material includes ammunition, disposable appliance batteries, rechargeable batteries, explosives, prescription drugs, radioactive material, and tires. Do not place any irrelevant material along with household hazardous trash for collection.
If you want to avail the home pickup service for household hazardous trash, you will have to make an appointment first. Only one pickup is allowed per residential property per seasonal event. Place all substances into their original containers so that the waste management authority can identify the materials easily. The weight limit is only 20 lbs; do not exceed this limit. You will need proof of residency to use the drop-off station.
Option B to get rid of household hazardous trash is the drop-off station. If your home pickup of trash materials does not proceed, then you can bring all these materials to the city drop-off station. Contact ACTEnviro or call 602-842-9160 to make an appointment for the drop-off station.
Goodyear Trash Holidays Schedule
The City of Goodyear will observe the following holidays annually, which will affect your trash collection schedule, and your trash collection will be delayed by one day from your normal trash collection schedule.
Holidays | Date and Day | Change in Collection Schedule |
Independence Day | Friday, July 4, 2025 | Your trash collection schedule will be delayed by one day for the whole week. Your trash will be collected on July 5th, 2025 (Saturday). Friday collection will move to Saturday. Saturday’s schedule will move to Sunday. |
Thanksgiving Day | Thursday, November 27, 2025 | Trash collection will be delayed by one day. Your trash will be collected on November 28, 2025 (Friday). |
Christmas Day | Thursday, December 25, 2025 | Your normal trash collection will be delayed by one day. The city will schedule your collection on December 26, 2025 (Friday). |
New Year’s Day | Wednesday, January 1, 2025 | Your trash will be collected on January 2, 2025 (Thursday). |
Besides these holidays, there are some other holidays that will not affect your trash and recycling collection schedule. These holidays are as follows, and your trash will be collected according to your normal trash collection schedule.
- MLK Day
- President’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Labor Day
- Veteran’s Day