Collierville is a town located in Shelby County, Tennessee, United States. The sanitation division of Collierville is responsible for providing trash collection services to the residents as part of the Collierville trash schedule. They handle garbage, recycling, bulk, and brush collection to maintain a clean and healthy environment in Collierville. However, they will need residents’ help to perform their duties effectively. Residents must simply follow certain rules related to the Collierville trash schedule to ensure cleanliness in their areas.

Find Your Collection Day
If you are unsure about your garbage and recycling collection day and want to know about it, click the link below. Tap on the search bar located in the top right corner, enter your complete address, and press the enter button. This will provide your Collierville trash schedule and recycling service day.
Garbage Collections
Trash carts will be picked up once a week according to the Collierville trash schedule. Place your garbage carts at the curbside by 7 AM on your scheduled collection day. Residents must follow certain rules while placing their carts. For example, only closed-lid carts should be placed at the curbside. If trash is spilling out, it will not be collected, leading to missed collections under the Collierville trash schedule.
Leave a clearance of 5 feet on both sides of your cart when placing it at the curbside. Do not place the cart in hidden areas like behind poles, mailboxes, or parked cars, as this will also result in missed trash collection. Ensure the lid faces the street for easy collection. Once collected, roll your cart back as soon as possible.
Recycling Collections
Your recycling carts will be collected on the same day as your household garbage collection according to the Collierville trash schedule. Place your recycling cart at the curbside by 7 AM on your scheduled day. It is recommended to use a city-issued recycling cart and place only loose recyclable materials in it. Do not put plastic bags in the recycling cart, as these are not recyclable and can cause issues in the process.
Acceptable recycling materials include:
- Paper (mixed paper, newspaper, office paper, junk mail, paperback books, magazines, phone books, catalogs)
- Cardboard (cardboard boxes cut to fit inside the recycling container)
- Plastic (bottles and jugs #1 & 2 only)
- Tin and Aluminum (aluminum cans, metal food and beverage cans, aluminum foil, and trays).
To ensure recycling collection under the Collierville trash schedule, do not place irrelevant materials in the recycling cart. If the crew finds any non-recyclable items, it may lead to missed collections. Place only empty, clean, and dry items in the cart. Once collected, roll your recycling cart back as soon as possible.
Bulk Collections
Bulk trash will be collected on the same day as your residential garbage collection according to the Collierville trash schedule. Bulk trash consists of items too large to fit into a regular trash cart, such as broken furniture (e.g., beds, chairs, cupboards, and sofas), mattresses, and home appliances. Residents are allowed to place up to four bulk items at the curbside on each collection route.
If your bulk trash includes home appliances, residents must schedule a special pickup for them. To schedule this, call (901) 457-2800 before Wednesday each week. If your bulk trash includes mattresses, it is recommended to wrap them before placing them at the curbside for collection under the Collierville trash schedule.
Yard Waste Collections
Yard trash will be collected on the same day as your standard garbage collection, in accordance with the Collierville trash schedule. Residents must place yard waste separately from bulk garbage and recycling. Follow these rules for yard waste collection: cut branches into lengths of 4 feet, tie them into bundles, and place them at the curbside for collection. If your yard waste includes leaves, place them in compostable bags before placing them curbside.
Holidays Collection Schedule
Certain holidays will affect your regular trash collection day under the Collierville trash schedule. On these holidays, trash collection will be delayed by one day. For example, if a holiday falls on a Monday, Monday’s trash will be collected on Tuesday. The delay will extend throughout the week. Follow the schedule below to ensure proper collection during holidays.
Holidays | Date and Day | Change in Garbage and Recycling Collection Schedule |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2024, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on January 2, 2024, Tuesday. |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day | January 15, 2024, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on January 16, 2024, Tuesday. |
Memorial Day | May 27, 2024, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on May 28, 2024, Tuesday. |
Independence Day | July 4, 2024, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on July 5, 2024, Friday. |
Labor Day | September 2, 2024, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on September 3, 2024, Tuesday. |
Thanksgiving Day | November 28, 2024, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on November 29, 2024, Friday. |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2024, Wednesday | No trash collection on Wednesday. Collection will be delayed by one day and will occur on December 26, 2024, Thursday. |