Farmington Hills city is located in Michigan, United States. Farmington Hills city signed a contract with Priority Waste to provide trash collection services to the residents of Farmington. Under the solid waste collection program, garbage and recycling services will be provided once a week.

Farmington Hills Garbage Pickup Schedule

Moreover, they will also collect bulk trash and yard waste once a month and according to the season. A healthy environment ensures the health of human beings living in that environment. So it is also the residents’ responsibility to take care of sanitation rules to keep the environment of Farmington clean and healthy.

Farmington Hills Garbage Pickup Schedule

Garbage collection facilities in Farmington Hills will be provided once a week. If you are not sure about your trash collection day, click the link given below, and you will get a map of the city that will represent trash collection days in different areas with specific colors.

Place your cart curbside by 7 AM. Your trash cart will be serviced between 6 AM and 7 AM on your designated day. Once your trash gets collected, remove it as soon as possible. Do not block sidewalks while placing garbage carts at curbside; similarly, place it in a way that its lid faces the front of the street.

Recycling Collection

Recycling collection services will be provided once a week along with normal residential garbage collection. So place your recycling cart at curbside by 7 AM on your designated day. Put only empty, dry, and clean material into recycling carts to reduce litter and spillage of carts.

Acceptable recycling material includes mixed paper, glass bottles, glass jars and containers, plastic bottles and containers, food boxes, aluminum jars, tin cans, and cardboard. Do not place any irrelevant material into the recycling cart.

Bulk Items Collection

If you have bulk trash and want to get rid of it, the city’s trash services department will facilitate you with bulk trash pickup. To ensure your bulk collection, you will have to call the public works division in advance to inform them about your bulk trash. Their contact number is 248-871-2850. They will service your bulk trash pile on the same day as your normal household collection.

Bulk trash material includes large pieces of furniture, mattresses/box springs, refrigerators or freezers (with doors removed), stoves, and other such items incidental to housekeeping in single-family residences. If your bulk trash consists of mattresses, then wrap them in plastic. You can purchase this plastic from an area home improvement center.

Farmington Hills Trash Holidays Schedule

Due to the following holidays, the normal trash collection schedule will be delayed by one day. Delay in trash collection service will run throughout the week. If these holidays fall on your normal trash collection day, follow the schedule given below to place your cart at curbside.

HolidaysDate and DayChange in Collection Schedule
Memorial DayMonday, May 26, 2025There will be no collection on Monday, and trash collection will be rescheduled for Tuesday, May 27, 2025.
Independence DayFriday, July 4, 2025There will be no collection on Friday, and trash collection will be rescheduled for Saturday, July 5, 2025.
Labor DayMonday, September 1, 2025There will be no collection on Monday, and trash collection will be rescheduled for Tuesday, September 2, 2025.
Thanksgiving DayThursday, November 27, 2025There will be no collection on Thursday, and trash collection will be rescheduled for Friday, November 28, 2025.
Christmas DayThursday, December 25, 2025There will be no collection on Thursday, and trash collection will be rescheduled for Friday, December 26, 2025.
New Year’s DayThursday, January 1, 2026There will be no collection on Thursday, and trash collection will be rescheduled for Friday, January 2, 2026.

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