Freeport is a village located near Town of Oyster in the town of Hempstead in Nassau County, on the South Shore of Long Island in New York State, United States. The sanitation department of Freeport is responsible for providing trash collection services in the village. To ensure cleanliness in Freeport, the sanitation department will need the support of residents.

Residents will have to follow certain rules and regulations when disposing of their trash. Proper disposal of trash will ensure cleanliness and a healthy environment in the village of Freeport. If you have any questions regarding trash services, you can call the sanitation department at (516) 377-2289. They will address all your doubts regarding sanitation services.
Find Freeport Trash Schedule
Freeport village is divided into two parts to provide garbage collection services. If you are looking for your trash collection day, click the links below to find out. In the North Freeport district, trash services will be provided on Tuesday and Friday. Similarly, in the South Freeport district, waste collection services will be provided on Monday and Thursday. Recycling collection services will be provided every other week.
Garbage Collections
Place all garbage into a city-issued 32-gallon garbage cart and put it at the curbside by 6 AM on your collection day. According to the city’s rules, your garbage collection services will be provided twice a week. Place your cart in a clear, obstacle-free location. Only place a closed-lidded cart at the curbside, because if trash is spilling out, it will not be collected.
Place your cart so that the lid faces the street. Leave a clearance of 3 feet on both sides of the trash cart to ensure it is easily collected by the trash collection truck. Do not block sidewalks while placing your cart at the curb. Roll your cart back as soon as possible after your trash is collected. The weight of the garbage bag must not exceed 50 pounds.
Recycling Collections
Recycling carts will be serviced every other week. Place your recycling cart at the curbside by 6:30 AM on your collection day. Recycling helps reduce the consumption of natural resources and ensures environmental sustainability. Residents are responsible for storing all recycling materials separately.
Acceptable recycling materials include paper, flattened cardboard, plastic bottles and containers, glass bottles and jars, metal cans, food boxes, and aluminum cans. Do not put any irrelevant materials into the recycling cart, as it will not be collected. Do not place Styrofoam or plastic bags in recycling carts.
Place all paper and newspaper in a brown bag before placing it at the curb. Only place flattened cardboard in the cart to ensure collection. Ensure the recycling cart has a closed lid and is not overfilled, as overflowing carts will not be collected. Roll your cart back as soon as possible after it is collected.
Missed Trash Collections
Sometimes residents experience missed trash collections for various reasons. This could be due to a mistake by the collection crew or because a resident did not follow the sanitation rules for placing carts at the curb. If this happens, Freeport provides a solution for residents to report missed trash collection. To report a missed collection, call the sanitation department at (516) 377-2289.
Bulky and Metal Item Collections
Bulky items larger than 2 feet by 2 feet and 4 feet, and too heavy to be picked up easily by two workers, will be picked up every Friday, except during holiday weeks. Due to holidays, trash collection may be delayed by one day, and no special appointment is needed.
Bulk metal items include large metal appliances made for residential use, such as refrigerators, freezers, ovens, stoves, washing machines, dryers, lawn mowers, bicycles, and furniture. Six bulk items, in addition to five regular cans, containers, and bags of household waste, are allowed with each bulk collection day.
Yard Waste Collections
Every Wednesday, up to 20 bags of yard waste will be collected, except during holiday weeks. Yard waste, which includes Christmas trees, leaves, and branches with a diameter greater than 6 inches, should be treated as bulk items and not included in yard waste. Yard waste should be placed in bags with a weight not exceeding 50 pounds.
Bricks and dirt are not collected as yard waste. Leaves must be placed in bags; otherwise, they will not be collected. Branches should be tied in bundles no larger than 4 feet long and 2 feet wide. The weight of the bundles should not exceed 50 pounds. Branches with a diameter greater than 6 inches must be treated as the owner’s expense.
Holidays Collection Schedule
Certain holidays will affect normal trash collection. Citizens will experience delays in trash collection when the following holidays fall on their regular collection day. For example, if residents observe a holiday on Monday, trash will be collected on Tuesday. Similarly, Tuesday’s collection will also be delayed by one day. This delay in trash collection will continue throughout the week. Follow the schedule below to ensure your trash is collected during holidays.
Holidays | Date and Day | Change in Trash and Recycling Collection Schedule |
Independence Day | July 4, 2024, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Trash will be collected on July 5, 2024, Friday. |
Thanksgiving Day | November 28, 2024, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Trash will be collected on November 29, 2024, Friday. |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2024, Wednesday | No trash collection on Wednesday. Trash will be collected on December 26, 2024, Thursday. |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2024, Wednesday | No trash collection on Wednesday. Trash will be collected on January 2, 2024, Thursday. |