Jacksonville is one of the most populous cities in the U.S. state of Florida, located on the Atlantic coast in northeastern Florida. The Solid Waste Division is responsible for trash collection services in the city. They provide curbside refuse services based on the location where you live. Their efforts are dedicated to ensuring cleanliness in the city through the proper disposal of trash. Proper disposal ensures environmental sustainability. To perform their duties effectively, they need residents’ help. It is recommended to participate in sanitary activities and follow trash rules to ensure a clean and healthy environment under the Jacksonville Trash Schedule.

Find Your Collection Day
Are you looking for your trash collection day? To find your collection day, click the link below. You will be directed to a city map with a search bar at the top. Simply enter your complete address into the search bar and click the search tab. This will display your trash collection day. Prepare your trash properly and place it at the curbside to ensure collection according to the Jacksonville Trash Schedule.
Garbage Collections
Garbage will be collected weekly according to the Jacksonville Trash Schedule. To ensure your garbage collection, place your carts at the curbside by 6 AM on your scheduled collection day. If you place your cart after 6 AM, it will be left uncollected, creating problems for storing garbage until the next collection day. It is recommended to put all your garbage into plastic bags before placing them into the trash cart. Use only city-issued garbage carts.
There are rules residents must follow when placing their carts at the curbside. Ensure that the cart’s lid opens toward the front of the street and that the cart has a closed lid to make it easier for the automatic collection truck to collect. Do not overfill your cart, as trash coming out of the cart will prevent service.
Place your cart in an obstacle-free area, leaving a clearance of 3 feet on both sides. Do not block sidewalks, and keep the cart away from mailboxes, poles, and parked cars. To prevent insects and maggots, clean your cart with regular or boiling water after each collection. Roll your cart back as soon as possible once it is collected.
Recycling Collections
Recycling collection will take place every other week according to the Jacksonville Trash Schedule. Promoting recycling helps minimize the consumption of natural resources, so residents are encouraged to participate. Place your recycling cart at the curbside by 6 AM on your scheduled recycling collection day, next to your regular garbage cart.
Acceptable recycling materials include paper, plastics labeled with numbers 1, 2, 5, and 7, metal boxes, steel cans, aluminum cans, flattened cardboard, glass bottles, and jars. Do not add irrelevant materials to the recycling cart, or it will not be serviced. Only place empty, clean, and dry items in the cart. Avoid sticky materials, and put recyclable items loosely in the cart. Plastic bags should not be placed in the cart as they are not recyclable and disrupt the recycling process. Leave a 3-foot space between the recycling and garbage carts.
Bulk Trash Collections
Bulk trash includes oversized items that cannot fit into a regular garbage cart, such as broken furniture, beds, chairs, tables, sofas, mattresses, and home appliances. To ensure your bulk trash collection, you will need to make a request. Contact 630-CITY or call (904) 630-2439 to schedule your bulk pickup.
Prepare your bulk trash properly before pickup. Pile bulk items at the edge of your property near the street. If you are disposing of a mattress, it is recommended to wrap it in plastic before placing it at the curbside.
Yard Collections
Yard trash will be collected once a week according to the Jacksonville Trash Schedule. Yard trash includes tree branches, leaves, brush, grass clippings, and other lawn materials. Residents can place up to five cubic yards of yard trash every week. Place yard trash at the curbside by 6 AM on your scheduled collection day. Do not place yard trash loosely at the curbside—follow specific rules to ensure collection.
Put leaves and grass into compostable bags before placing them at the curbside. If your yard trash contains tree branches, cut them into lengths of 3 feet, tie them into bundles, and place the bundles at the curbside. It is the resident’s responsibility to clean up any leftover debris after trash collection.
Holidays Collections
Certain holidays will affect normal trash collection services. If a holiday falls on your regular trash collection day, your service will be delayed by one day. For example, if a holiday falls on Monday and your normal collection day is Monday, trash service will be delayed until Tuesday. Similarly, Tuesday’s collection will be delayed until Wednesday, and so on. Follow the schedule below to ensure your trash is collected during holiday weeks.
Holidays | Date & Day | Change in Trash and Recycling Collection Schedule |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2024 (Monday) | No trash collection on Monday. Trash will be collected on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. |
Thanksgiving Day | November 28, 2024 (Thursday) | No trash collection on Thursday. Trash will be collected on Friday, November 29, 2024. |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2024 (Wednesday) | No trash collection on Wednesday. Trash will be collected on Thursday, December 26, 2024. |