Las Vegas, known as Sin City or simply Vegas, is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Nevada and the seat of Clark County. Republic Services of Southern Nevada provides day-to-day trash collection services. They offer garbage, recycling, bulk, and yard waste services according to your location. These services are dedicated to ensuring cleanliness in the area, but they need residents’ help to perform effectively. It’s essential for residents to follow trash rules and regulations to keep the city’s environment clean and healthy according to the Las Vegas Trash Schedule.

Las Vegas Trash Schedule
Your regular garbage collection will occur once a week. Check your trash collection day according to your location using the link below. Enter your complete address into the search bar, then click the search button to find your designated collection day. Place your cart at the curbside by 6 AM on your collection day as per the Las Vegas Trash Schedule.
Leave a clearance of three feet on both sides of your trash cart so the automatic trash collection truck can easily pick it up. Your cart must have handles, and it should not be overfilled. Only use closed-lid carts because if trash is spilling out, it will not be collected.
Place your trash cart in a clear, obstacle-free area, leaving 3 to 5 feet from static obstacles such as poles, parked cars, and mailboxes. To reduce litter, it is recommended to put garbage into plastic bags before placing them in the trash cart. Roll your cart back as soon as possible once your trash has been collected.
Las Vegas Recycling Schedule
Recycling services are provided on the same day as regular garbage collections. Place your recycling cart at the curbside by 6 AM along with your regular garbage cart. Place all recycling materials loosely in the cart, and do not put plastic bags inside, as they are not recyclable and cause issues in the recycling process.
Acceptable recycling materials include plastics #1, #2, and #5 (look for the number inside the recycling symbol on the bottom of containers), metal cans, cardboard, paper, food containers, cartons (juice boxes, egg, ice cream, and milk cartons), and cereal and pasta boxes. Do not place irrelevant materials in your recycling cart, as it will not be serviced according to the Las Vegas Trash Schedule.
Las Vegas Bulk Trash Schedule
Bulk trash refers to items that cannot fit into a regular trash cart and require special handling. Examples include broken furniture (tables, chairs, beds, sofas), mattresses, and home appliances. If you have bulk trash to dispose of, click the link below to schedule your bulk trash collection.
Enter your complete address into the search bar, and use the available schedule to find your bulk collection day. Ensure that your bulk trash is prepared and placed at the curbside on time. If your bulk trash includes mattresses, it is recommended to wrap them in plastic before placing them at the curb.
Las Vegas Trash Holidays Schedule
Certain holidays may postpone your normal trash collection day. In such cases, your collection will be delayed by one day. For instance, if the holiday falls on Monday, Monday’s trash will be collected on Tuesday, and the same will apply for other days of the week. This delay in services will continue through the week. Follow the schedule below to ensure your trash is collected during holidays according to the Las Vegas Trash Schedule.
Holidays | Date & Day | Change in Trash Collection Services |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2024 (Monday) | No trash collection on Monday. Trash will be collected on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. |
Independence Day | July 4, 2024 (Thursday) | No trash collection on Thursday. Trash will be collected on Friday, July 5, 2024. |
Thanksgiving Day | November 28, 2024 (Thursday) | No trash collection on Thursday. Trash will be collected on Friday, November 29, 2024. |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2024 (Wednesday) | No trash collection on Wednesday. Trash will be collected on Thursday, December 26, 2024. |