Malden is a city located in middlesex county, Massachusetts in the United states. Zip code of Malden Massachusetts is 02148. Variety of city services such as anti graffiti efforts, tree planting, maintenance and transportation and disposal of all types of waste, these all services are provided by the city department of public work. So, it is our responsibility to keep malden city clean by following some sanitary rules and regulations.

Malden Trash Schedule
If you are looking for your Yard Waste, Trash and Recycling, Special Collections and Service Disruptions schedule, click on the following link to get your trash services schedule;!rc-cpage=102419
You simply have to put your complete address with street number in a search bar, and you will get all services that the department of public work is providing in your area. From here you can get your trash collection schedule along with other trash services schedules as well.
This site will also facilitate you with an automatic reminder and alert system, you simply have to sign up for this automatic reminder by giving some basic information, it will help you to remember your trash pickup day.
Residential Trash collection
Working hours for the trash collection team is 8AM to 4PM, so you have to place all your trash outside before 7AM on your trash collection scheduled day. Malden trash and recycling services will depend upon pay as you throw method. If you want to get location of pay as you throw cart click on the following link;
As a citizen of Malden, if you want to get rid of trash, you have to select one option amongst two. The first one is to purchase a special blue bag. With these blue bags you simply have to put all your trash into it and city public services will take them away.
The second option is to purchase annual trash stickers. With these trash stickers you can use your normal black trash bag to put your trash into city provided trash carts. Furthermore it is your responsibility to put all trash within the trash cart because trash lying outside the trash will not be collected.
Recycling Schedule in Malden
Malden city department of public services will provide recycling pickup facilities along with residential trash pickup every week. According to the quick reference flyer PDF, the items that are acceptable include empty food containers, glass containers, plastic containers, paper and cardboard.
On the other hand, scrap metal, wires, ropes, plastic bags, plastic wrap, food waste and liquids are not acceptable for recycling. Meldan city public services department follows a single stream community that allows all eligible materials to be mixed in one cart. In case of having access to recycling trash, you have to purchase an extra blue cart from online or physically visiting DPS.
Place only closed lid carts outside to prevent litter, if you are experiencing a situation that your cart becomes overloaded and you are struggling to close the lid of the cart. In this situation you will need to purchase more lidded carts. Once your trash gets collected, then try to remove your trash as soon as possible from the street.
Curbside textile recycling
Meldan department of public services worked with vendors and Helpsy to provide curbside textile recycling services. If you want to recycle your unwanted clothes and shoes you simply have to book an online appointment with Helpsy, then they will guide you when, how and where you can drop your unwanted clothes for recycling.
Mattresses and Spring Box recycling
If you are having old mattresses and you want to recycle them, Meldon city will provide mattresses and spring boxes recycling services to citizens. You can contact ABH services at 781-941-2422 or you can also visit the following link for mattress recycling services;
Price of mattress and spring box recycling services depends upon the type of pickup, either curbside pickup that cost less price and if you want home pickup then it will be definitely costly than curbside pickup
Yard Waste Pickup in Malden
City department of public services will provide seasonal yard pickup services in month or april and november according to your yard pickup schedule. If you are looking for your yard pick up schedule, visit malden trash page, you simply have to enter your address into the search bar to get your yard waste schedule.
Put your yard trash into a brown paper bag that must be marked with yard waste and place the bag outside. Keep your yard trash bags separate from the residential trash bags. Only place leaves, grass, clipping into bags because branches and dirt will be picked up separately, so place all branches and roots in bundle form to prevent litter.
Hazardous waste collection schedule
The Department of Public services charges a fee for the recycling of hazardous materials. You have to pay this fee in only cash as digital payment will be accepted. Fee of recycling depends upon the quantity of hazardous material that ranges from 1$ to 25$. If you want to know about hazardous waste collection dates, just click on following link;
Trash Holiday Schedule
Trash collection will remain the same for all holidays except thanksgiving day, christmas and new year. And if you experience these holidays in your area, your collection will be shifted by one day.
Holidays | Date | Change in Collection Schedule |
New Year’s Day | Wednesday, January 1, 2025 | Trash will be collected on Thursday, January 2, 2025 |
Thanksgiving Day | Thursday, November 27, 2025 | Trash will be collected on Friday, November 28, 2025 |
Christmas | Thursday, December 25, 2025 | Trash collection will be done on Friday, December 26, 2025 |
Curbside composting
If you want to recycle your waste food, for this purpose you have to join black earth compost program. This is like a partnership programme, you simply have to pay for services and they will facilitate you to decompose your wasted food. Once you join black earth compost program, DPS will give you 30 free compost bags. Once you have paid for the service, you will receive a voucher that you can use to collect your free recycling cart and bags.