Minot is a city located in North Dakota. The City of Minot’s Sanitation Department provides trash collection services to the residents of Minot. They offer garbage collection twice a week and recycling collection once a week. To ensure timely collection of your garbage and recycling, cooperate with the city sanitation department and follow all the rules and regulations provided. As a resident, it is your duty to follow the trash guidelines to maintain cleanliness in Minot.

Minot Trash Schedule

Find Your Garbage and Recycling Collection Day

Are you looking for your Minot Garbage Collection Schedule? If you are not sure about your garbage and recycling collection day, click the link below. You’ll find a map with a search bar in the top right corner. Enter your complete address into the search bar and click the search button. This will give you your garbage and recycling collection schedule.

Find Your Collection Day

Garbage Collections

Garbage collection services will be provided twice a week in Garbage. Place all residential trash into the carts provided by the city. Put your cart at the curbside by 6 AM on your scheduled collection day. Your garbage cart will be collected between 6 AM and 10 PM, so be sure to place it out on time. Similarly, roll your cart back at the end of the day once your trash is collected.

When placing your cart at the curb, ensure that it is positioned at the edge of the street in front of your property, with the lid opening toward the street. Additionally, leave 3 feet of space between other containers and 6 feet from any static obstacles such as poles, mailboxes, or parked cars to allow the automatic collection truck to pick it up easily.

Recycling Collections

Recycling carts will be collected once a week, on the same day as one of your garbage collections. To track your recycling day, click the link above. Once you’ve confirmed your recycling day, place your cart at the curbside by 6 AM. Put only empty, clean, and dry items into the recycling cart to reduce litter and spillage. Do not put plastic bags into recycling carts as they are not recyclable.

Acceptable recycling materials include plastic bottles, containers, and all plastic products marked with numbers 1 to 7, glass bottles (unbroken), glass jars, mixed paper, flattened cardboard, food boxes (empty and clean), aluminum cans, and metal containers. Do not add any irrelevant materials to the recycling cart, or it will not be serviced.

Report Missed Trash Collection / Request for New Cart

If you miss your trash collection day for any reason, or if your cart is missed during collection, stay calm and report it to the sanitation department at 701-857-4140. They will collect your trash on the next business day. If you want to order a new garbage or recycling cart, click the link below and fill out the request form.

Request a New Cart

Yard Collections

The City of Minot does not provide curbside yard waste collection services. If you have materials such as grass clippings, garden waste, leaves, vines, flowers, flowerbed clippings, or fallen apples that you want to dispose of, you will need to bring them to the city landfill station. Additionally, leave about 25% of grass clippings and leaves at the curbside as natural fertilizer for your lawn.

You can find the nearest landfill station for yard material disposal through the Sanitation Services app. For tree branches, they will be collected from your location. Cut all branches into 6-foot lengths, tie them into bundles, and place them at the curbside where you usually put your garbage cart.

Bulk Items Collection

Bulk trash includes broken furniture, mattresses, and large home appliances. If you have this type of trash and want the sanitation department to pick it up, call 701-857-4140 to schedule a bulk trash collection. The City of Minot provides on-call bulk trash collection services once a month. Once your bulk collection is confirmed, place your bulk trash at the curbside in the same location where you put your garbage cart.

Minot Trash Holidays Schedule

Certain holidays will affect your trash collection schedule, and your trash will be collected one day later than your normal collection day. If you observe these holidays on your regular collection day, the delay will continue throughout the week. For example, if the holiday falls on Thursday, Thursday’s trash will be collected on Friday, and Friday’s collection will take place on Saturday.

HolidaysDate and DayChange in Garbage and Recycling Collection Schedule
New Year’s DayJanuary 1, 2025, WednesdayNo collection on Wednesday. Your trash will be collected on January 2, 2025, Thursday.
Martin Luther King DayJanuary 20, 2025, MondayNo collection on Monday. Your trash will be collected on January 21, 2025, Tuesday.
Good FridayApril 18, 2025, FridayNo collection on Friday. Your trash will be collected on April 19, 2025, Saturday.
Independence DayJuly 4, 2025, FridayNo collection on Friday. Your trash will be collected on July 5, 2025, Saturday.
Thanksgiving DayNovember 27, 2025, ThursdayNo collection on Thursday. Your trash will be collected on November 28, 2025, Friday.
Christmas DayDecember 25, 2025, ThursdayNo collection on Thursday. Your trash will be collected on December 26, 2025, Friday.

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