Natick is a town located in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. The zip codes of the city are 01760, 01778, and 02482. The Natick Department of Public Works is responsible for trash collection services in the city. They provide weekly trash and recycling services along with other trash disposal services such as bulk trash and garden trash. Their dedication is motivated by the aim to keep the city clean and healthy. The Public Works Department relies on residents to follow the adjusted trash collection schedule during holidays to ensure timely and efficient services. Community cooperation helps prevent missed pickups and maintains neighborhood cleanliness.

Natick trash schedule

Natick trash schedule

Regular trash collection services are provided to the residents of Natick once a week. Regular trash collection operates on a pay-as-you-throw rule. Residents of Natick are required to place their regular trash cart at the curbside by 7 AM on collection day at the designated place. Similarly, once your trash is collected, roll your container back as soon as possible.

There are certain rules that residents are required to follow when placing their carts at the curbside. For instance, place your trash cart so that its lid opens toward the front of the street to facilitate collection. Similarly, place your cart in a visible and accessible location. Moreover, leave a distance of 3 feet from other carts and 6 feet from any static obstacles when placing your cart at the curbside.

If you are unsure about your trash service schedule and want to know about it, simply click on the link below. You will find a search bar at the start of the page; just enter your complete address or zip code into the search bar and hit the enter key. This will show your trash service schedule.

Collection Calendar

Natick recycling schedule

The Public Works Department provides single-stream recycling services to residents of Natick, meaning paper and cardboard are collected along with other recyclables. Curbside recycling services are divided into two neighborhoods: one for green recycling and the other for blue recycling. The color of your recycling cart indicates the neighborhood you live in.

Residents are required to place all recycling material into city-issued trash carts. To ensure your recycling trash collection, place your cart at the curbside by 7 AM on your trash collection day. Recycling services are provided on the same day as regular trash collection. Additionally, place your cart in a clean, clear area with closed lids because if trash is spilling out of the cart, it will not be collected.

Only clean, empty, and dry material should be placed in your recycling cart. According to Natick’s city laws, acceptable recycling materials include paper, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, office paper, phone books, gift wrap, soft-covered books, waxed containers, cardboard, bottles and jars, steel/tin, all cans, bottle caps and lids, aluminum, cans, foil, and all plastics numbered 1 to 7. Do not place any irrelevant material into your recycling cart.

Natick bulky trash pickup schedule

Bulky trash includes all items that do not fit into regular trash carts, such as broken furniture, home appliances, and mattresses. The Public Works Department of Natick provides curbside bulk trash collection services for residents. Under this program, residents can place up to 5 bulk trash items at the curbside for collection, with a charge of approximately $50 for 5 items.

If you have bulky trash items and wish to dispose of them, simply contact [email protected] or call the Public Works Department at 508-647-6550 to make an appointment for curbside bulk collection. Bulk collection begins on Monday and ends on Thursday. If you make a request for bulk pickup by Thursday at 3 PM, your trash will be collected on the following Monday, and so on.

Residents are required to pay varying fees for bulk trash collection, especially for home appliances, when making their request. If urgent bulk collection is needed and the scheduled government service is not soon enough, residents can opt for private bulk collection services available in the city.

Natick seasonal curbside collection schedule

Curbside yard waste collection services are divided into two sections: spring yard collection, which starts during the last two full weeks of April on your regular trash collection day, and fall yard waste collection, which begins in November on Mondays, depending on your regular trash day.

If you want to dispose of your yard trash outside of these scheduled services, you must bring it to the city recycling center, as the city of Natick does not provide curbside collection services for yard waste beyond the regular schedule.

For yard waste preparation during seasonal collection events, residents are required to put all tree leaves and grass clippings into compostable bags and place them at the curbside. If yard waste consists of tree branches, residents must cut all branches into 4-foot lengths and tie them into bundles before placing them at the curbside. Once your trash is collected, remove all remaining trash items from the street as soon as possible.

Natick food waste composting schedule

Residents of Natick are also provided with curbside food waste composting services by Black Earth Compost. If you have food waste and wish to dispose of it legally, sign up at Once you sign up, you will be provided with a food waste collection schedule. Residents are required to place all food waste into sealed, verified bags to ensure collection.

Natick holidays trash schedule

In Natick, annual holidays can affect normal trash collection services, leading to delays. If a holiday falls on a Monday, collection for that day will shift to Tuesday. This delay continues throughout the week: Tuesday’s collection will move to Wednesday, Wednesday’s to Thursday, Thursday’s to Friday, and Friday’s to Saturday.

Residents should plan ahead by checking the holiday schedule each year to stay informed about these changes and ensure their trash is put out on the correct day. By following this adjusted collection flow, residents can avoid confusion and ensure timely trash collection during holiday weeks.


When (Date & Day)Change in trash collection schedule due to holidays
New Year’s DayJanuary 1, 2025, Wednesday
Juneteenth DayJune 19, 2025, Thursday
Independence DayJuly 4, 2025, Friday
Thanksgiving DayNovember 27, 2025, Thursday
Christmas DayDecember 25, 2025, Thursday

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