North Attleborough, also spelled North Attleboro, is a city located in Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States. The Solid Waste Department is dedicated to providing trash collection services to the residents of North Attleboro. They offer weekly trash and recycling collection services along with other waste disposal options, including bulk and yard collection services. All their efforts are dedicated to ensuring a clean and healthy environment in the city.

North Attleboro Trash Schedule

Similarly, for the convenience of the Solid Waste Department so they can perform their duties effectively, they need residents’ help. Residents simply need to follow all trash rules provided by the Solid Waste Department during waste disposal. Moreover, they are also encouraged to participate in sanitation activities in the city, such as seasonal yard cleaning events.

Trash & Recycling Collection Schedule

If you are not sure about your trash collection day and want to find out, simply click on the link provided below. The following link provides a list of areas along with their trash service days. You just need to identify your area to determine your trash collection day. The process is quite simple, and once you are done, prepare your trash properly to ensure collection on the designated day.

Trash Collection Schedule by Street

Curbside Trash Collections

According to the legislation of the City of North Attleboro, your regular trash cart will be serviced once a week according to a given schedule. To ensure your trash collection, place your cart at the curbside by 7 AM on your scheduled collection day. Do not be late in placing your cart at the curbside; otherwise, it will not be collected. Moreover, bag your trash properly before placing it into the cart so that it doesn’t get stuck in the cart walls and can be collected easily.

There are certain rules you must follow when placing your trash cart at the curbside, such as placing your cart so that its lid opens toward the front of the street. This allows an automatic trash collection truck to easily collect your cart. Similarly, leave a space of approximately 3 to 5 feet on both sides of your cart so that the hydraulic arms of automatic trash collection trucks can move easily to collect your cart.

Do not place your cart near obstacles such as poles, mailboxes, and parked cars. Always try to place your cart in visible and obstacle-free locations. Similarly, to prevent your trash from getting wet, ensure that the lid of your cart is closed when placing it at the curbside. Finally, at the end of the day, roll your cart back as soon as possible after it has been collected.

North Attleboro Recycling

Recycling services will be provided on the same day as regular trash collection to the residents of North Attleboro. Residents are required to place their recycling cart at the curbside by 7 AM on designated days along with their regular trash carts. Additionally, place the recycling cart approximately 3 feet from the regular trash container and any other container so it can be collected easily. Furthermore, do not put any plastic bags in your recycling cart; try to put all materials loosely in the recycling cart.

According to the Solid Waste Department of North Attleboro, acceptable recycling materials include newspapers/magazines, leaflets, packaging card and cardboard, wrapping paper (clean and without adhesive tape, ribbons, or glitter), greeting cards, metal tins, cans and foil, all steel and aluminum cans and tins, clean foil trays and containers, plastic containers, food and drink cartons, glass bottles, lids, and glass jars. Only put clean, empty, and dry items in the cart.

Bulk Trash Pickup Guidelines

Free bulk trash collection services will take place once a month on an appointment basis. If you have bulk trash such as furniture, mattresses, or home appliances that you want to dispose of, just contact (508) 699-0100 to schedule a bulk pickup. Once scheduled, they will collect your bulk trash as soon as possible on the next business days.

Yard Waste Collections

Yard collection services will occur on the same day as your regular garbage collection, making it convenient to dispose of your yard waste. Acceptable materials include grass clippings, leaves, and tree branches. If you have these items to discard, please place them at the curb by 7 AM on the designated collection day. It’s important to follow specific guidelines for preparing your yard waste: all tree leaves must be packed into biodegradable bags, and any tree branches should be cut to a length of 3 feet and tied into bundles. Remember, plastic bags are not acceptable for yard waste, so please avoid using them when preparing your materials for collection.

Holiday Trash Schedule

The City of North Attleboro observes certain holidays annually. Due to these holidays, residents’ normal trash collection services will be delayed by one day. For example, if these holidays fall on Monday, then your trash will not be collected on Monday. Your Monday trash cart will be serviced on Tuesday. Similarly, Tuesday’s trash collection services will also be delayed by one day and will be provided on Wednesday. This delay in normal trash services will continue throughout the week until Friday. Therefore, residents of North Attleboro are required to follow the schedule given below to ensure holiday trash collections.

HolidaysDate & DayChange in Trash Services Due to Holidays
New Year’s DayJanuary 1, 2025 (Wednesday)There will be no trash collection on Wednesday. Your trash will be collected on January 2, 2025 (Thursday).
Memorial DayMay 26, 2025 (Monday)There will be no trash collection on Monday. Your trash will be collected on May 27, 2025 (Tuesday).
Independence DayJuly 4, 2025 (Friday)There will be no trash collection on Friday. Your trash will be collected on July 5, 2025 (Saturday).
Labor DaySeptember 1, 2025 (Monday)There will be no trash collection on Monday. Your trash will be collected on September 2, 2025 (Tuesday).
Thanksgiving DayNovember 27, 2025 (Thursday)There will be no trash collection on Thursday. Your trash will be collected on November 28, 2025 (Friday).
Christmas DayDecember 25, 2025 (Thursday)There will be no trash collection on Thursday. Your trash will be collected on December 26, 2025 (Friday).

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