Chelmsford is located in Middlesex County near Malden, in Massachusetts, United States. The Department of Public Works is responsible for trash and recycling collection in Chelmsford. They provide garbage collection services to the residents of Chelmsford on a weekly basis. As a responsible citizen, it is your duty to help keep the city’s environment clean and healthy by following the rules and regulations set by the Department of Public Works.

Find Your Trash and Recycling Collection Day in Chelmsford
If you’re looking for your trash and recycling collection day, you’re in the right place. Just click on the following link provided below, and you will find your trash and recycling collection day. Make sure to follow certain rules and regulations when placing your trash at the curbside on the assigned date to ensure proper trash collection.
Garbage Collection Time in Chelmsford
Make sure to place your cart outside by 6:30 AM on your trash collection day in Chelmsford. The city will provide trash collection services once a week. To ensure proper trash collection, follow specific rules and regulations for placing your carts outside. Position your cart so that its lid faces the front of the street.
Only place carts with closed lids outside. If your cart’s lid is damaged, report it immediately because without a lid, your cart will not be serviced. Keep your cart away from snowy areas and try to keep it in a visible location. Avoid leaving your cart behind any obstacles, as it could result in missed trash collection. Moreover, roll your trash cart back as soon as possible once your trash has been collected.
Recycling Collection Time in Chelmsford
DPW will provide single-stream recycling facilities. Recycle every week on your trash day. Recycling must be at the site by 6:30 AM. The hauler will not return for late set-outs and sometimes may need to choose different pathways, so they could be at your site as early as 6:30 AM, even if they come later. There is no specific limit for recycling, but keep in mind that each container should weigh no more than 50 lbs.
Recyclable trash includes certain things such as paper, cardboard, plastic bottles and containers, glass containers, and cans. Moreover, no polystyrene foam and other EPS plastic, no plastic bags, or other film plastic are accepted for recycling. To recycle your plastic bags, use area grocery store bins.
Report Missed Collection in Chelmsford
If your trash is missed during collection, there’s no need to worry because you can report it. There could be several reasons for missed trash collection, such as not placing your trash at the curbside properly, or it could be a mistake on the hauler’s part where they didn’t notice your trash cart. If you experience a missed collection, contact E.L. Harvey & Sons at 1-800-321-3002. They will schedule another route to collect your trash.
Chelmsford Bulk Waste Schedule
Bulk waste refers to items that cannot fit into residential garbage carts, and the city provides special handling for this type of trash. They offer citizens a special bulk pickup service. Mainly bulk waste includes furniture, home appliances, and large household items.
If you have large trash items that cannot fit into a garbage cart and need to dispose of them, call E.L. Harvey & Sons at 1-800-321-3002. They will schedule a special pickup for your bulk trash. To ensure your bulk pickup, place all your trash outside properly.
You can only put out 32-gallon barrels or bags of solid trash at the curbside per month. All solid trash must be at the curbside by 6:30 AM on your scheduled collection day. Place all materials into the cart and make sure to properly close the lid of the cart. If you have a lot of solid trash, you can use blue town overflow trash bags, which you can purchase for $2 from the market.
Household Hazardous Waste
The city of Chelmsford will host two household hazardous materials disposal events at 9 Alpha Road. The first event is scheduled for November 2, 2024, from 9 AM to 1 PM on a Saturday. The second event will take place on April 26, 2025, also on a Saturday from 9 AM to 1 PM.
The household hazardous waste (HHW) materials that will be accepted include antifreeze, rechargeable batteries, car polish and wax, motor oil, gasoline, fertilizer, oil paint, thinner, pool chemicals, pesticides, stains, and varnishes.
To take advantage of these events, residents should bring their HHW materials to the designated location. Fees will be charged based on the quantity and type of HHW material being disposed of. It is important to bring all materials in their original containers or properly labeled containers to ensure that the public waste management department can easily identify the contents of each container.
Chelmsford Trash Holidays Schedule
Chelmsford will observe certain holidays annually that will affect your trash and recycling collection schedule. If these holidays fall on your regular trash collection day, your trash collection will be delayed by one day. The rest of the trash collection days for the week will also be delayed by one day. The city will inform you about any changes in your collection schedule through an email.
Holiday | Date and Day | Change in Collection Schedule |
Independence Day | Friday, July 4, 2025 | Your trash collection will be delayed by one day, and it will be collected on July 5, 2025, Saturday. |
Labor Day | Monday, September 1, 2025 | Your trash will be collected on September 2, 2025, Tuesday. |
Columbus Day | Monday, October 13, 2025 | Trash will be collected on October 14, 2025, Tuesday. |
Veterans Day | Wednesday, November 11, 2025 | Your trash collection will be scheduled on November 12, 2025, Thursday. |
Thanksgiving Day | Thursday, November 27, 2025 | Trash collection will be scheduled on November 28, 2025, Friday. |
Christmas Day | Thursday, December 25, 2025 | Your trash will be collected on December 26, 2025, Friday. |
New Year’s Day | Wednesday, January 1, 2025 | Your trash will be collected on January 2, 2025, Thursday. |
Washington’s Birthday | Monday, January 20, 2025 | Trash collection will be scheduled on January 21, 2025, Tuesday. |
Presidents’ Day | Monday, February 17, 2025 | Your trash will be collected on February 18, 2025, Tuesday. |
International Mother Earth Day | Monday, April 21, 2025 | Trash collection will be scheduled on April 22, 2025, Tuesday. |
Memorial Day | Monday, May 26, 2025 | Trash will be collected on May 27, 2025, Tuesday. |
Independence Day | Wednesday, June 4, 2025 | Your trash collection will be scheduled on June 5, 2025, Thursday. |