Tempe is a city near Tucson located east of Phoenix city in Arizona with zip code 85281-85285 and 85281-85288. Tempe beach park is a home of outdoor festivals. The Solid waste service section of the municipal utilities department is responsible for waste collection in the city or tempe.

You are also responsible to keep the environment of Tempe a beautiful area by following some rules and regulations related to sanitation activities.
Tempe Curbside and Ally trash collection schedule
The Solid waste service section of the Tempe provides curbside and Ally trash collection service once in a week. Click on the following link to get your curbside and Ally trash collection schedule;
Prepare your trash for collection properly such as put all trash, grass, animal waste in bags and then put trash bags into trash carts to reduce litter. Avoid overfilling the trash cart and do not place trash outside the cart because trash lying outside the cart will not be collected.
Curbside Trash collection guidance
Place your carts outside before 6:00AM on your trash pick-up day. Similarly remove your trash carts as soon as possible after collection, as try to remove them by 8:00 PM on trash pick up day.
Place the cart in a way, they never block sidewalks, and keep distance of 3 feet between two trash carts and 4 feet between fixed objects while placing your trash cart at curbside.
Ally trash collection guidance
Do not overfill cart, if your ally trash collection cart becomes full, you can use the next adjacent cart. Move over, do not move trash carts from their place. Put all tree leaves, clipping into a bag and then place them into a trash cart in order to prevent litter.
Put your ally recycle bin into crub, not in ally for pickup because crew members are not ally to enter into your personal property. Cut all branches and limbs into pieces of 4 feet in length so that they don’t create problems during collection.
Tempe recycling schedule
Tempe was the first city in the country that launched a recycling program in order to reduce waste. Place your container outside by 6:00AM on your collection day. Place all your recyclable stuff in a blue bin.
Place all recyclable items loosely into bins, do not put any plastic bags because plastic bags create problems at the recycling end. Putting wrong stuff into recycling bins causes litter and sends it to the landfill.
Place your container in a way that it will not block side walks and they are not hidden by any large object such as your car so keep a distance of 10 feet from your vehicle while placing your recycling containers.
Remove your container by 8:00PM on your collection day, in order to protect containers from damage, place them in the garage and below any shelter.
Recyclable items include broken cardboard, papers, food boxes, mail, beverage cans, food cans, glass bottles, jars, jugs, plastic bottles and caps. Do no place any irrelevant material into recycling carts.
If you are having access to recycling material, and you want an extra blue bin to put trash in it, you can request for additional recycling containers at 480-350-4311 or through an online request form as well. If you are living in an apartment then tempe city facilitates you with multi family housing recycling facility.
Appliances and electronics recyclings
Bring all your appliances and electronics trash material for recycling in the household products collection center. Location of the household products collection is 1320 E. University Dr. on the Northeast corner of University and Dorsey directly in front of the Tempe Fire Training Center. Business hours of HPCC are 7;00AM to 1;00PM on wednesday, friday and saturday.
Acceptable household electronic appliances includes Air conditioning units, Batteries, Cell phones, Christmas lights, Clothes washers, Computers, Dishwashers, Dryers, Freezers, Microwaves, Monitors, Printers, Refrigerators, Stoves, Televisions andWater heaters.
Zero waste day
City of tempe facilitates its citizens with a zero waste day event on 27 July from 7:00AM to 1:00PM in order to dispose of recyclable material that can not fit in blue recycling carts.
If you want to participate in a zero waste day event you simply have to show your current driving license, rental agreement, email with your name and address and your water bill as well. Students who are living in tempe city are also encouraged to participate by showing their student ID.
Bulk garbage collection
Place your bulk material outside by 6:00AM on your collection scheduled day, do not place bulk material earlier than 10 days prior to your pickup scheduled day. If you are looking for bulk trash pick-up schedule, click on the following link;
Accepted bulk trash includes furniture that you can’t donate, non Freon appliances such as microwave, washing machine and other large material.
Large materials that do not fit into trash carts such as Large furniture and large home appliances, you are supposed to bring them into the household product collection center.
Green organic trash collection
Tempe city facilitates its citizens to dispose of their green organic trash by providing them with green carts. Citizens who are receiving this service have to pay 6.24$ monthly.
All organic material must be sent to third party vendors facility, material should be free from any inorganic substances to ensure effective recycling process or all green organic substances.
If you want to receive a green organic trash collection facility you have to make a request on 480-350-4311 or you can also report it through an online application as well.
Acceptable green organic material includes tree trimming and bushes, leaves, grass, clippings, weed Palm fronds and oleanders, so do not place any relevant material in green organic trash cart.
Alternative Pickup Options
If you are having access to bulk trash and you want to get rid of it, the time is off service and off season. In this situation residents of Tempe have two options to dispose of your trash material.
The first one is you can contact a transfer station that allows you to dispose of trash material of 1000 pounds per month with no additional cost. Sky harbor regional transfer station is here to provide services to tempe citizens to dispose of trash.
Another option is call in service, you may request to pick up your extra trash along regular trash pick-up. But these services are not free of cost you have to pay for them. In order to request a special uncontained trash you can call at 480-350-4311.
Tempe Trash Holidays schedule
Trash will not be collected for only two holidays while the collection schedule remains the same for all other national holidays that tempe county observe.
Holidays | Date | Change in Trash Collection Schedule |
New Year’s Day | Wednesday, January 1, 2025 | Your trash collection will be delayed by one day due to the New Year. Your trash will be collected on **Thursday, January 2, 2025**. |
Christmas Day | Friday, December 25, 2025 | Regular collection will be moved by one day, so your trash will be collected on **Saturday, December 26, 2025**. |