Belmont is a town located near Malden, and Shrewsbury in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. The town’s Waste Management Department signed a contract with Recology of San Mateo County to provide trash and recycling facilities to its residents. The Solid Waste Management Department of the town will provide waste services based on the location you live in.

Belmont MA Trash Schedule

Proper trash management is very important for the sustainability of the planet, and it also has a positive impact on the health of living things in the environment. You must follow some rules and regulations to dispose of your trash properly to preserve the future for coming generations.

Normal Household Trash Collection

You will need to sign up on Belmont’s official site to receive trash collection services. Place all normal household trash into the black trash cart provided by the town. Place a closed-lid cart at curbside by 7 AM on your scheduled collection day to ensure trash collection. Call (617) 993-2680 to find out your trash and recycling collection day.

Missed Collection

If your residential trash is not collected, you can contact DPW to report it by calling (617) 993-2680. Once you report a missed collection, the city sanitation department will schedule another route to pick up your trash on the next business day.

Also, read this article if you don’t want to miss the trash pickup again.

Recycling Collection

Recycling collection services will be provided every other week on your garbage collection day. The recycling process helps reduce trash and increase the sustainability of the planet. To ensure your recycling collection, place your recycling cart alongside your garbage cart by 7 AM on the scheduled day.

Materials that belong in recycling carts include plastic bottles, jars, jugs, and tubs numbered 1, 2, and 5, metal food and beverage cans, glass bottles and jars, mixed paper, cardboard, magazines, and boxes. Do not place any irrelevant material into your recycling cart to ensure its collection.

Place only a closed-lid cart at curbside and place only empty, clean, and dry materials into the recycling cart. Do not wrap recyclable materials in any plastic bag because it causes problems at the recycling plant and slows down the recycling process.

Mattresses Recycling Program

The city will also facilitate you in disposing of your mattresses through the mattress recycling program. To schedule your mattress recycling pick-up, you must contact DPW at (617) 993-2680. Once your collection is confirmed, place your mattresses at curbside by 7 AM on your scheduled day.

Most of the material in mattresses is recycled, so place your old mattresses separate from residential trash on your normal collection day. You can also wrap, tie, or cover your mattresses before placing them at curbside for collection.

Bulk Items Collection

Bulk items are common household trash that cannot fit into residential trash carts. Some examples of bulk items include furniture (furniture must not be broken), large plastic items that you could not donate, headboards, and rugs (cut them to a length of 3 feet and tie them). Only three rolls of rugs are acceptable per week.

Before disposing of bulk items, there are some dimensions related to bulk trash you need to consider. For instance, only one bulk item pickup is allowed per week. If you are leaving your place and moving somewhere else, you will need to schedule your bulk trash pickup in advance.

Call For Pickup

There are two appropriate methods to request special pickup for your bulk trash. Firstly, you can call 800-972-4545 to schedule your bulk trash pickup. Similarly, you can use an online special request form to schedule your bulk items collection. Once your collection day is confirmed, place all trash material at curbside along with your residential trash cart on your normal trash collection day.

Schedule Online

If you are looking to schedule your bulk items pickup through an online request form, visit You will find a special pickup request form there. First, you have to enter your complete address and then tap on the ‘For Home’ button located at the bottom of the page.

Then scroll down to find the bulk waste pickup button, tap on that, and complete your contact information. In the next step, you are required to select a date you wish your trash to be picked up. Once you complete this process, place your bulk trash at curbside on designated days to ensure collection.

Spring Yard Waste Collection

Place all yard material into a blue recycling lid cart during the starting weeks of April. Your yard waste cart will be serviced every other week along with your household trash collection.

Place all materials into a 32-gallon trash cart that must be marked with yard waste stickers. These stickers are provided by the DPW department and can also be purchased from grocery stores.

The weight limit of yard waste is 50 pounds. If you have a lot of yard trash that could not fit into the cart, then use biodegradable bags to place the remaining trash at curbside.

Yard waste includes leaves, twigs, grass clippings, weeds, flowers, wood chips, house and garden plants, hedge, and shrubs. Do not place construction and demolition trash along with your yard trash; otherwise, your yard trash pile will not be serviced.

Household Hazardous Materials Collection

Household hazardous waste material includes chlorine bleach, rug cleaner, acid, auto batteries, mothballs, oven cleaner, pesticides, herbicides, nail polish remover, fiberglass resin, antifreeze, gasoline, oil-based paint, pool chemicals, paint thinner, and waste oil.

Household Waste Facility Schedule & Registration

If you are looking to register for household hazardous facilitation, you can contact DPW at (617) 993-2680. You are required to give your basic information such as name and address. To participate in these events, you are required to provide proof of residency, such as a driver’s license and utility bill.

Location and Directions to Household Hazardous Facility

The hazardous waste program is located at Minuteman Household Hazardous Products Regional Facility, 60 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington, MA 02421. Directions to the facility are as follows: From Route 128, take Exit 31 (Route 4/225 heading towards Bedford). Then at the first light, turn onto Hartwell Avenue via the jug handle on the right. Finally, the composting facility site is 0.25 miles on the left just after the bike path.

Who Can Participate

Pre-online registration is mandatory, and only residents of Arlington, Bedford, Belmont, Concord, Lexington, Lincoln, Waltham, Watertown, and Winchester are allowed to participate in these household hazardous material disposal events.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Dates

Date of Household Hazardous CollectionTimes
Saturday, June 15, 20249 AM – 2 PM
Saturday, July 20, 20249 AM – 2 PM
Saturday, August 17, 20249 AM – 2 PM
Wednesday, September 18, 20244 PM – 7 PM
Saturday, October 26, 20249 AM – 2 PM
Saturday, November 9, 20249 AM – 2 PM
Saturday, April 12, 20259 AM – 2 PM
Saturday, May 3, 20259 AM – 2 PM
Saturday, June 14, 20259 AM – 2 PM

Belmont Trash Holidays Schedule

The Town of Belmont will observe certain holidays that will delay your normal trash collection schedule by one day. If you observe these holidays on your normal trash collection day, follow the schedule given below to place your cart at the curb to get rid of your trash.

HolidaysDate and DayChange in Trash and Recycling Collection Schedule
Independence DayFriday, July 4, 2025Trash and recycling will be collected on July 5, 2025, Saturday.
Labor DayMonday, September 1, 2025Trash and recycling will be collected on September 2, 2025, Tuesday.
Columbus DayMonday, October 13, 2025Trash and recycling will be collected on October 14, 2025, Tuesday.
Veterans DayTuesday, November 11, 2025Trash and recycling will be collected on November 12, 2025, Wednesday.
Thanksgiving DayThursday, November 27, 2025Trash and recycling will be collected on November 28, 2025, Friday.
Christmas DayThursday, December 25, 2025Trash and recycling will be collected on December 26, 2025, Friday.
New Year’s DayThursday, January 1, 2026Trash and recycling will be collected on January 2, 2026, Friday.
Martin Luther King DayMonday, January 19, 2026Trash and recycling will be collected on January 20, 2026, Tuesday.
Presidents’ DayMonday, February 16, 2026Trash and recycling will be collected on February 17, 2026, Tuesday.
Earth DayTuesday, April 22, 2026Trash and recycling will be collected on April 23, 2026, Wednesday.
Memorial DayMonday, May 25, 2026Trash and recycling will be collected on May 26, 2026, Tuesday.
JuneteenthFriday, June 19, 2026Trash and recycling will be collected on June 20, 2026, Saturday.
Independence DaySaturday, July 4, 2026Trash and recycling will be collected on July 5, 2026, Sunday.

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