Brevard County, located on the Atlantic coast of eastern Central Florida, has a dedicated Solid Waste Management Department that provides essential solid waste disposal services to its residents. In the unincorporated areas of the county, Waste Management is responsible for curbside collection of garbage, recycling, and yard waste.
To ensure that these services operate smoothly and effectively, the cooperation of residents is crucial. By adhering to all trash-related rules, residents can contribute to maintaining a clean and healthy environment in Brevard County. It’s important for everyone to follow the guidelines when placing their trash at the curbside. This collective effort will help eliminate waste from the county and promote a cleaner community for all.

Find trash and recycling schedule
Are you unsure about your trash collection schedule? If so, you can easily find the information you need by clicking the link below. Once you’re on the page, you’ll see a search bar where you can enter your complete address. After hitting the enter button, you’ll receive your trash and recycling collection schedule.
Garbage collection guidelines
According to the laws of Brevard regular garbage collection service will be provided twice a week to the residents. So it is required to place your regular garbage cart at curbside by 6AM on your collection scheduled day. Place your cart at curbside on time, do not be late otherwise your trash cart will get missed during collection. Moreover, place only a closed lidded cart. In order to reduce litter and spillage of carts, put all trash materials into plastic bags before putting it into trash carts. Similarly do not overfill your cart because if your trash is coming out of your cart it will not be collected.
There are certain rules and regulations that residents of Brevard are bound to follow related to trash collection. For example residents are required to place their trash carts at obstacle free places by leaving the clearance of 4 feet on the both sides of your cart. Similarly avoid placing your cart on sidewalks so that people on wheelchairs and women carrying babies in baby carts can move easily. Moreover, place your cart in a manner that its lid will open towards the front of the street. And finally at the end of day collect our cart as soon as possible when it gets collected.
Brevard county recycling schedule
Recycling services will be provided once a week to the residents of Brevard county. So check your recycling collection schedule from the link given in start any place your cart at curbside by 6AM on your collection scheduled day. Your cart will be serviced from 6AM to 8PM so do not become late while placing your cart at curbside and collection your cart back as soon as possible when it gets collected after 8PM. Moreover do not bag your trash before putting it into recycling cart, instead place all trash materials loosely. Because plastic bags are prohibited as a recycling material, as it causes disruption in the recycling process.
Brevard county acceptable recycling materials include aluminum cans, tin cans, plastic bottles, plastic containers and all types of plastic with numbers 1 to 7, glass, papers, mixed paper, food boxes and cardboards. Cardboards must be flattened and if it couldn’t fit into your recycling carts just place it next to your recycling cart in a dry place. Residents are required to put only acceptable material into recycling carts because if the collection crew found any irrelevant material into your cart, they will leave it, which leads to missed trash collections. Moreover, put only clean, empty and clean items into the recycling cart. Similarly ensure that the lid of the cart is closed when you place it.
Special Collection Schedule
Solid waste mainly includes all oversized trash material that couldn’t fit into your regular trash cart. Basically these materials will need special handlings. That’s why the Brevard county trash collection department offers separate curbside collection of all these types of trash material. Acceptable solid waste trash material includes household furnishings, appliances, electronics, bicycles and other bulk items. Brevard county is divided into two service areas which are North Brevard and south Brevard. So if you are having solid waste and want to get rid of it, first identify your service area.
So if you are living in North Brevard then you will simply have to contect solid waste management department at (321) 636-6894. On the other hand if you are living in South Brevard and also having solid trash that you wish to pick up, contact the solid waste management department at (321) 723-4455. They will schedule your bulk collection toure and also guide you about your solid waste collection service. Once they ensure your solid waste collection day, then prepare your trash properly and place it in front of your property at the edge of the street to ensure collection on designated day.
Holidays collections schedule
There are certain holidays that will affect your trash and recycling collection schedule. Your trash collection services will be delayed by one day if you observe these holidays on your normal trash collection day. For example, if these holidays fall on Monday, your trash will not be collected on Monday; it will be collected on Tuesday. Similarly, Tuesday’s trash collection services will also be delayed by one day, and it will be collected on Wednesday. This delay in your trash collection services will run throughout the week. Therefore, it is important to follow the schedule given below to ensure proper holiday trash collections.
Holidays | when( Date & Day) | Change in collection schedule due to holidays |
Memorial day | September 2, 2024 Monday | There will be no trash collection on Monday. Your trash cart will be serviced on September 3, 2024 Tuesday. |
Fourth of july | July 4, 2024 Thursday | There will be no trash collection on Thursday. Your trash cart will be serviced on July 5, 2024 Friday. |
Veterans day | November 11, 2024 Monday | There will be no trash collection on Monday. Your trash cart will be serviced on November 12, 2024 Tuesday. |
Thanksgiving day | November 28, 2024 Thursday | There will be no trash collection on Thursday. Your trash cart will be serviced on November 29, 2024 Friday. |
Christmas day | December 25, 2024 Wednesday | There will be no trash collection on Wednesday. Your trash cart will be serviced on December 26, 2024 Thursday. |