Worcester is a city located near Boston, Dedham, Methuen, Brockton, Longmeadow, Andover, South Hadley, Belmont, Shrewsbury and Malden in central Massachusetts. The Worcester City Council is responsible for trash collection services. They provide trash removal services on a weekly, biweekly, and monthly basis, depending on your location. All efforts are dedicated to maintaining a clean and healthy environment in the city.
However, Worcester requires residents’ help to perform these duties effectively. By following the trash rules provided by the City Trash Council, residents can contribute to sanitation activities and help keep their area clean under the Worcester Trash Schedule.

Find Your Collection Day
If you’re unsure of your trash collection day, click the link below. Enter your complete address into the search bar and press the search button to find your trash and recycling collection schedule.
Garbage Collections
According to the Worcester Trash Schedule, regular garbage is collected once a week. Place your garbage cart at the curbside by 6 AM on your scheduled collection day. Collections occur between 6 AM and 7 PM, so make sure to remove your garbage cart after 7 PM on the collection day. Prepare your trash cart properly to ensure collection by following these guidelines:
- Place the cart so that its lid opens toward the street.
- Ensure the cart has handles for easy pickup by the automatic trash collection truck.
- Leave at least 3 feet of space between your cart and other carts or obstacles.
- To keep your cart clean and free from maggots, place all trash into plastic bags before putting them in the cart.
Residents are not allowed to place carts without lids at the curbside. Use only closed-lid carts and avoid overfilling them. Do not place extra trash next to the cart, as it will not be serviced. If your cart is damaged, report it immediately for replacement to prevent spills. Clean your cart with hot water after each collection.
Recycling Collections
Recycling is collected on the same day as residential garbage collection. To ensure your recycling is collected, place the recycling cart at the curbside with your garbage cart by 7 AM. Avoid placing plastic bags or contaminants in recycling carts, as they cause issues in the recycling plant.
Acceptable recyclable materials include paper, cartons, cardboard, plastic bottles (without lids), plastic food containers labeled with numbers 1-7, aluminum cans, tin cans, and containers. Do not place glass materials in recycling carts, as they can be dangerous for the collection crew. Bring glass items to the nearest drop-off station for safe disposal under the Worcester Trash Schedule.
Bulk and Brush Collections
Bulk trash consists of items that cannot fit into your regular garbage cart and require special handling. These include broken furniture, mattresses, and home appliances. To dispose of bulk trash, you must first schedule a special bulk pickup by calling 508-929-1300.
Brush trash includes yard waste such as tree branches, grass clippings, limbs, and leaves. To schedule a brush collection, follow these guidelines:
- Place leaves in compostable bags at the curbside.
- For tree limbs and branches, cut them into 3-foot lengths and tie them into bundles.
Do not place construction debris or irrelevant materials in bulk or brush piles. If irrelevant materials are found, the collection crew will not pick up the pile. It is the resident’s responsibility to clean up any leftover trash once the bulk or brush is collected.
Holidays Collection Schedule
Certain holidays will delay normal trash collection services by one day. For instance, if a holiday falls on a Monday and your regular collection day is Monday, your trash will not be collected until Tuesday. This delay will affect collections for the entire week. Follow the schedule below to ensure timely holiday trash collections according to the Worcester Trash Schedule.
Holidays | Date & Day | Change in Trash Collection Services |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2024 (Monday) | No trash collection on Monday. Trash will be collected on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. |
Memorial Day | May 27, 2024 (Monday) | No trash collection on Monday. Trash will be collected on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. |
Juneteenth Day | June 19, 2024 (Wednesday) | No trash collection on Wednesday. Trash will be collected on Thursday, June 20, 2024. |
Independence Day | July 4, 2024 (Thursday) | No trash collection on Thursday. Trash will be collected on Friday, July 5, 2024. |
Labor Day | September 2, 2024 (Monday) | No trash collection on Monday. Trash will be collected on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. |
Thanksgiving Day | November 28, 2024 (Thursday) | No trash collection on Thursday. Trash will be collected on Friday, November 29, 2024. |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2024 (Wednesday) | No trash collection on Wednesday. Trash will be collected on Thursday, December 26, 2024. |