Newton is a city located in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. Its zip code is 02456. Republic Services of the City of Newton, MA, is responsible for providing trash collection services to residents. They provide weekly trash and recycling services to reduce trash in the city and ensure a clean and healthy environment. Besides these weekly trash collection services, they also collect other types of waste such as bulk trash and green garden waste. However, they need residents’ help to perform their duties effectively. Engaging residents fosters community responsibility and improves service quality.

Newton MA Trash Pickup Schedule

Newton MA Trash Pickup Schedule

According to the rules of Newton, MA, regular trash will be collected once a week. To ensure your trash collection, place your trash at the curbside by 7 AM on your scheduled collection day. Place your cart at a distance of 3 feet from all other carts and obstacles, in visible and accessible locations so that it can be collected easily.

Place your cart so that its lid opens toward the front of the street. Only closed-lid carts should be placed at the curbside to reduce litter on the street. Additionally, do not overfill your cart because if trash is coming out of your cart, it will not be serviced. Your cart will be collected between 7 AM and 4 PM, so when your trash is collected, roll your cart back as soon as possible.

If you are not sure about your trash and recycling schedule, simply click on the link below. A search bar will appear at the start of the page. Insert your complete address with street numbers and hit the enter key.

This will provide your trash and recycling service schedule. Alternatively, residents of Newton, MA, are also encouraged to download the Recycle Rights app for updates on trash collection services.

Newton, MA Recycling Collection Schedule

Recycling services are provided on the same day as your regular trash collection. According to the rules of Newton, MA, residents are required to use only city-issued green carts for recycling materials. Place your recycling cart at the curbside by 7 AM on your scheduled collection day, at a distance of 2 feet from all other trash carts.

Acceptable recycling materials according to Newton city sanitation rules include paper and cardboard (white & colored paper with staples, paper clips, spirals okay), cardboard (flatten and fold boxes), aluminum cans, trays & foil, stiff plastic containers such as bottles, jugs, and tubs, glass bottles, and jars. Do not put any non-recyclable materials in the recycling cart.

Also, do not put plastic bags in your recycling cart because they are not recyclable and slow down the recycling process. Try to put only clean, dry, and empty materials in your recycling cart. If the collection crew finds any non-recyclable materials, they will leave your cart during collection.

Bulk Material Collection Schedule

Bulk waste refers to materials that cannot fit into a normal trash cart due to their size, and residents are unable to dispose of it through city recycling programs. The City of Newton, MA, accepts bulk trash material that consists of at least 50% metal or rigid plastic and oversized wooden items. Residents are restricted from placing mattresses as bulk trash at the curbside for collection, as the Newton Recycling Recovery Center is no longer accepting mattresses.

If residents have bulk material in good condition, they are encouraged to donate it. However, if bulk trash is in poor condition or broken, residents can place these items at the curbside for bulk waste collection. A special bulk pickup must be scheduled, and Republic Services will collect these materials at a rate of $20 per item. If you are interested in bulk waste collection services, click the link below to fill out a special request schedule form.

Acceptable bulk trash materials include carpets and loose scraps (must be folded into rolls), wooden futon frames, furniture such as sofas, couches, tables, beds, cupboards, dining tables, and some home appliances. Residents are required to place all these materials at the curbside by 7 AM on designated days at designated locations. Do not be late in placing your trash at the curb; otherwise, it will not be collected.

Holiday Trash Schedule

The City of Newton, MA, observes certain holidays annually. These holidays will delay weekly trash and recycling collection services by one day. For example, if these holidays fall on Monday, your trash will be collected on Tuesday. Similarly, Tuesday’s trash services will also be delayed by one day. This delay in normal trash collection services will continue throughout the week until Friday. Therefore, residents of Newton are required to follow the schedule below to ensure holiday trash collection.

HolidaysDate & DayChange in Trash Services Due to Holidays
New Year’s DayJanuary 1, 2025 (Wednesday)There will be no trash collection on Wednesday. Your trash will be collected on January 2, 2025 (Thursday).
Memorial DayMay 26, 2025 (Monday)There will be no trash collection on Monday. Your trash will be collected on May 27, 2025 (Tuesday).
Independence DayJuly 4, 2025 (Friday)There will be no trash collection on Friday. Your trash will be collected on July 5, 2025 (Saturday).
Labor DaySeptember 1, 2025 (Monday)There will be no trash collection on Monday. Your trash will be collected on September 2, 2025 (Tuesday).
Thanksgiving DayNovember 27, 2025 (Thursday)There will be no trash collection on Thursday. Your trash will be collected on November 28, 2025 (Friday).
Christmas DayDecember 25, 2025 (Thursday)There will be no trash collection on Thursday. Your trash will be collected on December 26, 2025 (Friday).

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