Dedham is a town located near Shrewsbury, Malden, Chelmsford, Belmont, South Hadley, Andover, Longmeadow, Brockton, and Methuen in the county seat of Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States. Boston Carting Services LLC is responsible for providing trash collection services to the residents of Dedham. They provide garbage, recycling, yard, and bulk trash collection services based on the location where you live. All their efforts are dedicated to ensuring cleanliness in Dedham. However, in order to maintain a clean environment in the city, the Boston Carting Department requires residents’ support. Residents must follow the sanitation rules provided by the department to keep Dedham clean and healthy.

Find Your Collection Day
If you’re unsure about your Dedham Trash Collection Schedule or recycling collection day, click the link below to access the trash and recycling collection calendar for 2025. Scroll to the end of the PDF where you’ll find a list of areas with specific service days. Locate your area in this list to determine your garbage, recycling, and yard collection days.
Garbage Collections
Garbage collection services will be provided once a week. According to the rules of Dedham, place all garbage into plastic bags and then put these bags into garbage carts. Place your garbage cart at the curbside by 7 AM to ensure collection. It is recommended to place only a closed-lid cart at the curbside because if the cart is without a lid and trash is coming out of it, it will not be collected.
Do not place dirt, sod, rock, concrete, construction/demolition debris, household hazardous waste, hot ashes, or flammable materials (such as oil, gas, or paint) into household garbage carts. Do not overfill your cart. Moreover, place your cart so that its lid opens toward the street. Leave a clearance of at least 3 feet on both sides of the garbage cart so that it can be easily collected by the automatic trash collection truck.
It is recommended to use city-issued 96-gallon trash carts. If you have more trash than what can fit into your cart, put the extra trash in official overflow bags and place them next to your trash cart. Residents can buy these bags from nearby retailers, stores, and Tarriās markets.
Recycling Collections
Recycling services are provided once every two weeks. To ensure your recycling collection, check your recycling calendar and place your recycling cart at the curbside by 7 AM. Place all recycling materials loosely into the recycling cart. Do not put any plastic bags in the cart, as they slow down the recycling process and cause problems.
Acceptable recycling materials include mixed paper, flattened cardboard, plastic bottles, plastic containers (with numbers 1 to 7), metal boxes, food boxes, aluminum cans, tin cans, and glass bottles and jars. Place only empty, clean, and dry items into recycling containers to reduce spillage. If the collection crew finds any irrelevant material in the recycling cart, they will leave the container, leading to a missed collection.
Bulk Item & White Goods Collections
Boston Carting Services provides curbside bulk and white goods collection services. However, residents need to make an appointment first. Call Boston Carting Services LLC at 1-800-338-3867 to schedule your bulk trash pickup. Once you schedule your bulk and white goods pickup, prepare your trash and place it at the curbside by 7 AM on the designated day.
Acceptable bulk trash includes items that cannot fit into normal residential trash carts, such as upholstered furniture, grills, desks, bed frames, and dressers. Acceptable white goods include washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, air conditioners, and stoves. Do not place construction debris into your bulk trash pile, or it will not be collected.
Fees will be charged for bulk item curbside collection based on the items. For instance, from January to June 30, the bulk trash collection fee is $31.29, and from July to December 31, it will be $32.64. As for white goods, the fee will be $36.51 from January to June 30 and $38.07 from July to December 31. These fees must be paid when scheduling your bulk pickup.
Yard Waste Collections
Yard waste includes leaves, grass, and other easily raked materials, as well as branches and small brush less than 3 inches in diameter. Cut branches into 3-foot lengths and tie them into bundles. Branches larger than 3 inches in diameter and 3 feet in length will not be accepted. There are only 22 weeks for curbside yard collection services offered in 2025, which include both spring and fall yard trash collection.
If you are looking for your yard trash collection day, click the link at the beginning of this article. Normally, your yard collection services will be provided biweekly, alongside your recycling cart collection. Prepare your yard waste and place it at the curbside to ensure collection on your scheduled day.
Dedham Trash Holiday Schedule
Certain holidays will delay your regular trash collection services by one day. Aside from these holidays, trash collection services will run smoothly throughout the year. If these holidays fall on a Monday, Monday’s trash will be collected on Tuesday. Similarly, Tuesday’s collection will be delayed by one day. Follow the schedule below to place your cart at the curbside to ensure holiday trash collection.
Holidays | Date and Day | Change in Garbage and Recycling Collection Schedule |
New Year’s Day | January 1, 2025, Wednesday | No trash collection on Wednesday. Your trash carts will be collected on January 2, 2025, Thursday. |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day | January 20, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Your trash carts will be collected on January 21, 2025, Tuesday. |
Presidents’ Day | February 17, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Your trash carts will be collected on February 18, 2025, Tuesday. |
Patriots’ Day | April 21, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Your trash carts will be collected on April 22, 2025, Tuesday. |
Memorial Day | May 26, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Your trash carts will be collected on May 27, 2025, Tuesday. |
Independence Day | July 4, 2025, Friday | No trash collection on Friday. Your trash carts will be collected on July 5, 2025, Saturday. |
Labor Day | September 1, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Your trash carts will be collected on September 2, 2025, Tuesday. |
Columbus Day | October 13, 2025, Monday | No trash collection on Monday. Your trash carts will be collected on October 14, 2025, Tuesday. |
Veterans’ Day | November 11, 2025, Tuesday | No trash collection on Tuesday. Your trash carts will be collected on November 12, 2025, Wednesday. |
Thanksgiving Day | November 27, 2025, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Your trash carts will be collected on November 28, 2025, Friday. |
Christmas Day | December 25, 2025, Thursday | No trash collection on Thursday. Your trash carts will be collected on December 26, 2025, Friday. |