Waltham is a city located in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. The zip codes for the city include 01251 to 01255. EZ Disposal & Recycling is responsible for providing trash collection services in Waltham, including weekly trash and recycling collections along with solid waste disposal facilities. These services aim to maintain a clean and healthy environment while promoting efficient waste management and environmental sustainability. Residents’ cooperation in sorting and disposing of waste properly is essential to maintaining cleanliness and reducing landfill impact.

Waltham Trash Schedule

Waltham Trash Collection Schedule

If you are looking for your trash collection schedule, click on the link below. The link provides a city map with a search bar at the top. Enter your address into the search bar and press the enter key to view your trash and recycling collection schedule.


Regular garbage collection occurs once a week. Check your trash collection schedule according to your location through the link above. Residents must leave a clearance of three feet on both sides of their trash cart to allow the automatic trash collection truck to pick it up easily. Your cart must have handles, and overfilled carts or those with open lids will not be collected.

According to Waltham city regulations, place trash carts in clear, obstacle-free locations. Leave a distance of 3 to 5 feet from static obstacles like poles, parked cars, and mailboxes when setting your cart at the curbside. To reduce litter, put garbage into plastic bags before placing them into the cart. Roll your cart back as soon as possible after collection.

Recycling Collection Schedule

Recycling services are provided on the same day as regular garbage collection. Place recycling carts at the curbside by 6 AM on your scheduled collection day, along with your regular garbage cart. All recycling materials should be placed loosely in the cart, and plastic bags are not permitted, as they are non-recyclable and disrupt the recycling process.

Acceptable recycling materials include plastics labeled #1, #2, and #5 (check the bottom of containers for the number inside the recycling arrows), metal cans, cardboard, paper, juice boxes, egg cartons, milk cartons, cereal boxes, and pasta boxes. Do not place irrelevant materials in the recycling cart, as this will result in missed collection.

Waltham Yard Waste Schedule

Yard waste includes leaves, grass, small twigs, branches, and other lawn debris. EZ Disposal & Recycling provides yard waste collection services from April through December. To dispose of yard waste, check your schedule through the link above and place yard trash at the curbside by 7 AM on the collection day.

Residents must follow the city’s yard waste preparation guidelines. Place tree leaves in compostable paper bags for collection. Sticks, twigs, and branches must be cut into 4-foot lengths with a diameter of 3 inches or less, then tied into bundles. If using a separate cart for yard trash, label it “Yard Trash” to ensure it is collected.

Waltham Bulk Item Disposal

Residents are allowed to place one bulk trash item at the curbside with their regular trash cart each week. Bulk trash items are oversized materials that do not fit in regular trash carts, such as chairs, couches (only one section per week for sectionals), dressers, bookcases, and humidifiers. Place bulk trash in front of your property at the edge of the street, ensuring sidewalks are not blocked.

If you have multiple bulk items and wish to dispose of them, call (781) 314-3390 to schedule a bulk trash pickup.

Waltham Holidays Trash Schedule

Certain holidays affect trash collection schedules in Waltham. During these holidays, trash collection services are delayed by one day. For example, if the holiday falls on a Monday, trash will be collected on Tuesday, and this delay continues throughout the week. Follow the schedule below to ensure proper trash collection during holidays.


When (Date & Day)Change in Trash Collection Services Due to Holidays
Tax DayApril 15, 2025, Tuesday
Memorial DayMay 26, 2025, Monday
JuneteenthJune 19, 2025, Thursday
Independence DayJuly 4, 2025, Friday
Labor DaySeptember 1, 2025, Monday
Columbus DayOctober 13, 2025, Monday
Veterans DayNovember 11, 2025, Tuesday
Thanksgiving DayNovember 27, 2025, Thursday
Christmas DayDecember 25, 2025, Thursday
New Year’s DayJanuary 1, 2026, Thursday
Martin Luther King Jr. DayJanuary 19, 2026, Monday
Washington’s BirthdayFebruary 16, 2026, Monday

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